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Everything posted by Gafgarion

  1. Eh, I am slightly confused on that last post.
  2. You forgot something... Being able to have more than 1 save file on a game.
  3. It IS going to be like Street Fighter 2, with Street Fighter 3 stuff in it.
  4. Dude, bigfoot I want to vs. you really bad.
  5. Yes, Chun-Li has thighs that compose 95% of her entire body. But hey, you have to give it to her because she can kick through 2 inches of steel.
  6. Me also... Let's hear some info.
  7. Well, Gale of Darkness is a 3-D pokemon game. Or is that not what you are talking about?
  8. What I do is I download stepmania files that have anime in the genre. I usually listen to those. And then of course, the anime I watch also has good music to.
  9. Eh, it just looks weird, and I don't like the movements you have to make. I like the 4 up down right left directions.
  10. Well, I guess you could call SF4.. Super Ultimate Street Fighter 2 Turbo.
  11. No, I don't want shitty dubs. Lol.
  12. I don't think anything will bring me to play PIU.
  13. My brother had an amazing idea of Pokemon being an MMORPG.
  14. Genshiken has one of the worst English Dubs I have ever heard. The voices are so shitty....
  15. I hope SF4 still has parrying.
  16. I have played the new Battle Network game for DS. It doesn't compare to the other ones.
  17. Have you noticed that just about everything you want to trade for they ask for a level 9 or under Mew?
  18. Playing on a metal pad without shoes or socks can probably do that to your feet.
  19. No, lol. It was clearly Bleach. Ichigo was in there, unless it was some ripoff anime that got sued for having Ichigo in there when he shouldn't have been.
  20. There is a song file folder in the ITG2 file it creates when you put the card in the USB.
  21. There was near rape in one episode of Bleach. Kuchiko I think her name is, was being held by this skeleton thing, and it was saying erotic things to her.
  22. That's the only thing I pay attention to in that anime.
  23. Dude, I used to look at my percent all the time, and it messed me up as well. Anyway, how do you get your own songs on there? Wow, I bet that was pretty nasty.
  24. Oh, sorry for pointing out the main aspect of the game.
  25. Yeah, but I am too lazy. He said he bought it online, so that may be something.
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