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Everything posted by Link_enfant

  1. Hi everyone (sorry for the mistakes, my english isn't perfect yet =p) Some time ago, I found a video on youtube which shows the beginning of a match in the Super Smash Bros. Melee beta version. The match takes place on the Onett stage, and then I noticed (and read in the description) that the music is different in this version. Here is the link to the video : In my opinion, it just sounds awesome !! The instruments sound almost the same as in the final version (the released one), but the theme sounds more like the song (can't remember its name), just without lyrics. Of course I love the new version, but this one sounds way better for me. Anyway, the big problem is that the video is way too short, and so the music only plays for a few seconds I've looked for this music for long, but couldn't find it anywhere, since it just doesn't exist, and also this is the only video with it... I even tried to find the song in the game iso, but it wasn't there. So what is my request ? I'd like to know if someone could make the entire song itself, just like if the original one was available, thanks to the part which you can hear in the video. If I was better in english I could explain a bit more, but I think you understand what I want, and I'm sure I'm not only one who wants to listen to this version Thanks a lot !
  2. Yeah, I noticed that a few hours after I posted. But the first time I heard that music was in this film, so... ^^' But it's a very great idea, it mix with the others music perfectly =)
  3. The songs mix together very very weel. I love this remix, very good job Ailsean Did anyone notice that the theme at the beginning and at the end is the same as Die Hard 3's theme? =p
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