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  1. True true. Good luck!

  2. Hmmm, I dun think we had custom avatars around then... x_x

  3. You must be thinking 'waaaay' back when the forums were still orange and blue, which was like... 8+ years ago. :o

  4. That works too... gosh it'd be really nice if we could use our own, but I guess that'd require more strain on the database... this site has a ton of users after all...

  5. Mmm, well, I know I used to use Misery from Cave Story before, and you can't actually 'choose' the avatar I had. Maybe if you submit a new R-Type one, you can get the avatar you want, of your choosing!

  6. *grins* I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya anyway hero pilot.

  7. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3715

    Well, here's the request thread... I'm not sure if that can help or not. ^_^;;;

  8. Oye, I don't think we do custom avatars anymore... I could be wrong though. There's an avatar thread somewhere around here, maybe you could ask?

  9. Ah, that's why I didn't hear anything, haha. You have to reply to conversation for it to poke at me. Anyway, I think you'll enjoy it, but I might be biased. ;P

  10. It's Curly Brace from Cave Story! ^_^

  11. R-Type ftw good sir.

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