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Posts posted by TimberWolf

  1. Am I the only one who remembers Lexx13 calling herself "Tit Jesus" for a while (giving tips of how to care for breasts and so forth)? She didn't change her screen name or anything, but just referred to herself that way for a little bit.

    I know I'm not imagining it, but I've yet to find someone else who remembers it.

    zyko- A bazillion? :lol:

    I remember that, lol. I can't give more specifics, as i think i was starting to fade from the forums at that point, but i remember that being a thing.

  2. I was chatting in a room on IRC the other day (olskool, huh?), and talking to a guy who claimed to be anti-mainstream. After about 5 questions, i discovered he had no identity at all, and only did the opposite of what people said without any real cause.

    The saddest part is that he actually knew that. I mean, i just bowed out of the convo after that, because all anyone can do is point out the problem, lol.

    You reminded me of it because he didn't seem to understand the word "edgy".

  3. I guess my biggest claim to "fame" would be the whole spork debacle. One simple comment, a few extra posts of idiocy after it, and BOOM!... there's a thread about sporks by littlechava to get us out of his thread.

    And Minisonic (you're welcome for the idea. :P), and scrolling gifs, and gif stories, and Jon Talbain everythings, and the Nice Work Archive, and the Nice Work icon, and you participated in an IMC (12?)...

    [edit]...and the 'Twas poems...


    Is moggie really dead? I don't believe you, someone would've mentioned him coming back and saying that he was dead.

  4. Mine's been planting, sometimes stacking, as many remote mines as possible in one spot, trigger a wave of enemies to come through it and make it explode. I also liked to go invisible, plant as many mines as I can through out the snowbound facilities and imagine all those guards flying into the air as I set them off.

    lastly I'd often tried to play entire maps using only shotguns on both arms while trying to complete the missions.

    Yeah, multiplayer Goldeneye matches often ended when one of my friends (or me) turned a corner and bumped their face on a stack of proximity mines that looked like a horizontal impression of the leaning tower of Pisa. There was more than one occasion where this action killed all of us simultaniously due to the resulting explosion, and the chance happening that we were all very closeby.

    Heard similar antics in PD, but i wasn't around when they had that game.

  5. I am sereal

    also don't quote me so I can fix my grammer and spelling errors so I don't look like dumb please

    I have to, misunderstandings can start if i don't. :P

    Anyway, real answers. The radio podcast is Australian, so they're speaking english, so i can understand them. You have to get into higher math or deep biology before i stop understanding spoken english. (I know it was analogy, but i wanted to be clear.)

    Given the definition that people that like furry art are also furries, then yup. Furry. If your definition includes people that dress up AS furries, especially their "fursonas" then no, i'm not that cool, sorry. Would i go to a con? Yup.

    Also, the furry radio isn't talking about how to fuck raccoons or something (they don't even have them there!), they're basically talking about cons, experiences with other furs (which is all super-friendly, but no spooge, it's not that friendly), and some funny animal stories like a smoking Sparrow that burned down a store. They talk about art and music a lot too.

  6. I didn't read any of the long posts but

    is timber wolf a furry

    why would listen to furry radio if you aren't

    that would be llike watching mexican soap operas without knowing a lick of spanish

    and the coop doesn't get why people be hatin' on furries?

    I know I should be reading but ugh so much words

    it hurts you know :[

    FR, are you looking for a real answer, or did you just want to get that out?

  7. http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii212/msf67/2197-1.jpg

    It must not be hot-linkable, lol.

    On furries:

    I find it amusing that a fursuter is looked at as a deviant, sexual or not (though some designs can't help it/are purposeful), yet anyone under the age of 30 grew up with Sesame street. The fucker's called "Big Bird" for fuck's sake, lol.

    If all people in suits wanted was to fuck, it'd be cruel irony to stick them on a show full of children.

    Also, Bugs Bunny is fully acceptable crossdressing as a woman, kissing Elmer Fudd, but put boobs on a Wolf and people think you're secretly wishing to bury your meat missile under the nearest fluffy tail.

    It's just a double standard for the sake of it, that's all. People's first exposures to furries is going to be in cartoons (hello, tiny toons?) and in movies, not some porn they see on the internet. People like that need to get fucking real, lol, it's just idiocy and trying to put someone down for something they like being different.

  8. You're talking about sexualized anthropomorphic animals. Hell, I don't like hentai or hentai lite even without furries.

    If you aren't masturbating to it, then why look at it at all? It's not like we're talking about great art here.

    Unless i'm misunderstanding something, way to reinforce Coop's point.

    PS: 2197-1.jpg

  9. Holy shit Coop, lol, you've got some furry rage goin' on! ;)

    I'm down, i'm down.

    I think i'll selectively tell people about the radio show, as unleashing it here might bring more negativity than anything, and it's quite tame. Unless the boards have changed, a shitstorm is too easy to create.

  10. What format are they? Working with audio files is one of my talents.

    Evidently, the file format is some "bizarro" format, where it looks, acts and smells like a 64kbps MP3, but itunes won't touch it, and my Sony Walkman MP3 device says it's incapable of using that filetype.

    So, i've decided to use the ever popular "brute force" approach:

    Use the diskwriter plugin in winamp to "play" the files, converting them to 44,100Hz 8-bit wav files, eradicating any residual MP3 components that may be causing this (even reconverting to MP3 with winamp didn't work), then use itunes to batch-convert them back to MP3 so they're not enormous.

    The show itself is by a friend and her furry friends, and i haven't listened to it yet to see what it's like, lol. The friend i know isn't a fursuiter, but i can't vouch for HER friends. I do know that they produce more furry art in a day than i did in 2 years. And it's no one from here, lol.

    Ps: there are far better ways to batch-convert these files, which may be even faster than my method, but the quality is already low, and these programs are already configured to do the work quickly. I know this method works, so quantity rules over quality. This is for use in a noisy work environment anyway, quality isn't really going to make a difference. The quality has to suck pretty hard to lose voice recognition.

  11. I don't think anyone gives a shit about MySpace anymore.

    It's because of the "white flight", of the richer white folks going to Facebook. (Seriously, check on it, that's what they call it, lol)

    They say Myspace is used more by lower-class folks, and Facebook is for the more affluent classes.

    NotADouche.com didn't show on that list though.

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