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your the man now dog

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Posts posted by your the man now dog

  1. good work taking the time to compile all the links

    we now recognize how worked up you are about his apparently traumatizing controversy

    please take a deep breath, it'll be okay

  2. Myself, I also find GameFAQs to be one of the best review resources, because even though it has it's share of biased and poorly-written reviews, there are often a share of great reviews that give the game its chance, without fanboyism, rumors, or popular opinion getting in the way.

    Note: I may be wrong, and if I've really missed something here, please tell me.

    Gamefaqs is good in that it is an aggregation of user-created reviews. The users are probably biased though and most people only post a review only if they really love or really hate the game, kind of like the review system here (but with music). I've found Metacritic to basically be a step up of gamefaqs, the same thing just an aggregation of commercial reviewers.

    That aside the guy who was fired was a completely awful reviewer. And I'm not saying that just as an IGN fan, for being one of the main reviewers/editors of GameSpot, he was nothing short of terrible. I remember seeing someone post quotes from his reviews of TP and Halo 3 and they had nearly identical downsides (not much new, etc.), except one he downrated considerably for while the other he scraped aside as nothing.

    I hope gamers read his reviews and demand for some real reviewers, not these guys who write like 35 year old EB Games salesman rejects

  3. i got resident evil 4 used from them back in december. they shipped USPS and the game literally looked brand new. came with case, instructions, and everything. it was a nice change of pace from the garbage ebgames.com. i've bought used games twice online from eb and BOTH times the games were scratched so much they couldn't even be played.

  4. Facebook is a terrible site. It's a good social networking site, but that's like saying stalin was a great guy when compared to hitl3r. I quit the site when everyone started complaining about the news feed like it was a new age gestapo. Usually the same people who complained also posted their cell phone, room number, and mailing address on their user page. There is nothing more annoying than hypocritical, bored, activist college students.

    And I hate already knowing about a person before I meet them. The whole point of socializing is to learn more about other people face to face. Social networking sites make simple conversation...obsolete...

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