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your the man now dog

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Posts posted by your the man now dog

  1. The vocals are extremely awesome. This applies to the back to back ones at the end and the Brooklyn DJ. Awesome work. I usually only keep one or two songs from these soundtracks...i ended up keeping over 10 from this one.

    side note, if you put Richter/Shael and Aetherius' song back to back and do an ending crossfade of about 10 seconds, the transition is flawless. Sounds like one ten minute song.

  2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this song. It is an amazing song. If this is really you singing, then i may respect this song more than any other here. Anyone can make a synthy techno beat, but it takes real skills to write lyrics and sing them. My favorite part of this is the harmonized skribbling "gijja gijja" it sounds like. As they say on ebay, "A+++++++++ WOULD LISTEN AGAIN"

  3. one of my favorite aspects about this site is that you never know what you're going to hear. i just dl'd one of the torrents and the moment i heard this song, i knew it was a winner. this unique remix is what makes ocremix beautiful.

    if this was original rapping, it would have beaten out my favorite remixes within mere days. still, though, this is a great remix in terms of implementation and beat.

  4. holy sweet ****. This is amazing. It's one of the only remixes that I literally dance to (albeit I look like Elaine from Seinfeld whilst doing so). This is truly an amazing song. I love the vocals and strong piano. Probably one of the things I love most about this song is how it's in a game type that's dominated by hardcore techno beats. Since i'm not much of a techno fan, you hit the nail on the head. djpretzel was right about the change near the end, but whatever, all is forgotten. You're very talented, and it breaks my heart that you only have one vg remix here. I bow to thee.

  5. Yes I agree with bladiator. While it is true that this remix is aimless, it fits the relaxed jazzy genre to a "t". It is very cool and calm, and its improvisation keeps the listener guessing. I can see where the judges wouldn't like it, as it's not a genre that you hear in remixes very often (or in all music, unless you're into the genre), but needless to say, it's very well done.

  6. Very good. As with every Darangen remix thus far, the first time though, I really disliked it. This song grew on me very quickly, though. Great pace, very smooth, no heavy reliance on annoying solos, good tiering of guitars so as to not sound showy. Not your best (Deadly Promises permenantly holds that spot), but very good. I'll be listening to this for years. And don't you ever stop making remixes, good sir.

    EDIT: a week or so later, and I absolutely love this song. Darangen songs have this thing of growing on me. Keep it up, this is an awesome song.

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