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Posts posted by PassivePretentiousness

  1. From this, I can deduct the following.

    1. You are a far left nutjob

    2. You are a vegetarian

    3. You hate the Iraq war, and compare it to Vietnam, even though you really dont know much about either

    4. You are a socialist, and make odd claims that the fact that some immigrants dont wear Rolexes means capitalism doesnt work.

    6. You didnt go to college

    I came to the same conclusions, but then again I am very pretentious.

    I'll give 3:1 odds half of the deductions are true.

  2. What. There is a problem in art with most people misunderstanding it. As someone earlier in the thread mentioned, art is about creative expression - there is no aspect of comparison in terms of what artform is better, although one might compare how well a work fares in conveying that message with another similar work. But subjective? How well something accomplishes it's aim isn't subjective - if you mean enjoyment of particular works of art is subjective, then yes, but subjective in achieving it's goal? I'd say no.

    Not according to everyone. Look at anything postmodern. Whether a third party attaches meaning to a work is not absoulte... necessarily.

    Most contemporary english courses in college demand that students conside only the CONTENT of the work rather than the INTENT. By extension, something may be (or may no be) art regardless of whatever the "artist" intended.

    It's not something I agree with, but it's legitimate.

    What? This makes little sense, especially the quantum relativity part, and I have a B. S. in physics :neutral: .

    I think she's trying to be cute in regards to shroendinger's equation and insisting that the indefiniteness of quantum physics somehow suggests that nothing in the world is definitive. At least that's what I'm assuming, because I've seen this especially banal and dishonest argument used more than once.

  3. So can you cite those other mixes rejected with "significantly better arrangements"?


    essentially. I'm not even that big of a fan of r:ts. I'm just not a big fan of this remix.

    it strikes me as awkward that it seems like the song meets 45% of the site's standards in production and 55% of the standards in arrangement, and it is accepted, where as songs that meet 30% of the standars in production and 90% in arrangement are routinely rejected (or vice versa, in fact).

    My criticisms don't stray that far from half the panel or even your own, zircon. I've reacted kinda harshly towards this because it contains so many defaults that *I* can recognize, which means something because I don't know crap. If this viewpoint is wrong and I'm missing something, fine. But it's still the way I see it right now.

  4. I don't think I've heard that kind of base on ocr in about three years. You could actually say that about half the synths used. That doesn't make it bad per se, but I have no idea how it passed in comparison to umpteen rejected mixes that had slightly worse production and significantly better arrangement.

    I also don't agree with djpretzel's compliments regarding the stuttering. The synth is too quiet to hear the effect properly, and it only compounds the volume level issues.

  5. that the Judges' Decisions forum now has pruning. Yeah, it may have been like that for a few months, but I just noticed like yesterday.

    It's your site; do whatever you want. I like seeing things archived, but it's your prerogative to do whatever. I only wish to express my mild disappointment.

  6. aka

    They're determined to suck more money from you right off the bat, and refuse to give you "something for nothing" as it were.


    consumer demand increased, and instead of increasing price in real dollars, they got rid of the extras

  7. Neo-Geo - $649.99

    Of course, that came with a game (Magician Lord), two controllers and a memory card.

    Which begs the question... what the hell is up with game companies no longer offering pack-in games with systems when they launch (save for the Wii)? $400-$600 is a lot to pay and not get a damn game (and no, demos don't count).

    Hardware companies used to use killer aps as selling points, but they now have sufficient product differentiation to generally lean on their brand name.

  8. This thread is retarded. How do you know that PS3 has no good games if you haven't played it? Virtua Fighter 5 kicks ass and is a definite great game to play. Motorstorm comes out today too, although I refuse to pick it up yet when I have 26 unfinished games sitting around here.

    Also taking into account inflation, the PS3's price isn't the worst offender, as pricey as it is. If I remember right, the SNES cost comparably as much, and the games certainly were more expensive back then when adjusted for inflation.

    SNES was $250 and came with two controllers and a game. Let's add $50 to the price of the PS3 and ignore the lack of second controller for the sake of argument.

    According to the inflation calculator, the SNES would be $392 today.


    650-392 = NOT ZERO

  9. I don't think it's fair to generalize something as diverse as OCR.

    But if I had to, I definitely would not say that i's postmodern. If I had to use that terminology, I would say neoclassical.

    Even so, I think that OCR covers so many genres that any general classification will be at least a little inaccurate.

    I'm not talking about the genre. I'm talking about something more fundamental relating to the meaning behind the mission statement.

    Some aspects of neoclassical are certainly eclectic, but it's generally a misnomer to call anything neoclassical unless there's some element of classicism there in. If you want to misconstrue what that means and start comparing classical music to classic games, whatever, but otherwise I don't that's very honest terminology.

  10. While many songs on ocr could certainly be explictly considered postmodern (such as a majority of the works of mazedude, shnabubla, and israfel), I'm suggesting that each song submitted to ocr is implicitly postmodern as well. Modernism was about order, disregard for artistic tradition, and original expression. Postmodernism is more open to eclectic use of various borrowed forms of the past to complete an artistic expression. These borrowed elements -the video game elements of any arrangement- are generally not the original intent of the composer, but are given new meaning by the arranger. The notion that this is acceptable is predominantly a postmodern idea.

    This is very analogous to the decisions made by some trip hop artists such as Portishead and DJ Shadow, who take different elements of jazz or whatever else works and give it a unique expression. Any academic you dig up would probably label them as postmodern.


  11. I don't like the balance in this track. The left hand seems like it's flooding out the right without contributing much to the arrangement. I've been listening to this a few times to be sure, but I feel that more subtle compositional choices would have improved the mix substantially. See 1:45, 2:20-3:00. The later part should be the climax. It feels instead like a wall of sound most of the time.

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