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Everything posted by Henrymop

  1. Dude, I love that first one, "Thoughts".
  2. Thanks for the info. Right now I'm just making the notes and such. Ill focus on equalization later. Here's a new one. More song. Also, this is the same one, but I did a quick equalization on it.
  3. Bump. Just wanted more people to see this. If you're reading this, please consider listening to my song in the post immediately above this one.
  4. Did some things you said, and changed some parts of the drums.
  5. I was enthusiastic with this remix. One of my first remixes that sounded quite a bit different than the source. I did put effort into it, so if the song sounds like I didn't try very hard, I assure you I did, I'm simply a beginner. This is short, but I wanted to quit while I was ahead. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=166
  6. I don't plan on making a full remix, because this song has been done before, but I would like some critique on this small remix, please. It is called "test12.mp3". The link is on this page: http://www.angelfire.com/ab8/jamesrussell/
  7. My condolences. I don't know what to say, but I am sorry.
  8. On my setup, when I have a dvd in my dvd-drive, it sometimes makes a high-pitched sound. You might want to check your drives. Just turn off all your speakers(unpluging them might be better) and your drives, and see if it's your hardware. Oh, I just thought of something. When I had some speckers inbetween my monitor and my PC box, it made a humming sound, try moving your speakers, after you try turning them off.
  9. Hiya, I'm not really remixing, what I'm doing is making the songs from Final Fantasy VII sound better than the regular midi sound, and then putting them in the game using Ficedula's and a couple other peoples programs. My problem is that each of my tracks don't make any type of distortion individualy, but togeather, after I export to a wav file, it has distortion in a couple of places. How do I find out what track has the distortion and how do I get rid of it? How I record my instruments is that I use soundfonts I got off the net and put them in the midi files using Cakewalk. I then edit anything as needed, then I solo a track out and then record the track, playing in Cakewalk and recording using Adaucity. I don't hear any noise or distortion. Anotehr note that might help is that I have my headphones hooked up directly into my soundcard because my speaker wire was broken near the head, I have yet to get it fixed. My "Midi" volume level is set to the middle when I record, but is too loud too hear using headphones. My recording volume level is at as high as it will go.
  10. I have a nice little collection, maybe over 100,probibly over 300. Remeber this when downloading\getting samples: Real sounding samples don't neccicaraly sound better. Likeing the sound is most important.
  11. I want some virtual stompboxes for windows 98se. I don't want plug-ins, I would like some stand-alone programs. I don't have any money, so I would like them to be free. Know of any? I looked on Google, but I forgot what I put in about a year ago, so I found no results.
  12. Sorry, I think you're getting that remixed up with a pickle.
  13. Thank you very much for all the replys. When you want to use multi-layered and very realistic orchestral sounds, soundfonts and mods pretty much are out of the question - not in the last place because stuff like Sziedlacek or Garritan simply does not come in another format. So, is there any free software that can use VST's? (cue default warning for Soundblasters). Yeah, Soundblasters arn't what they used to be. Well, I know how to use the programs that are in my list programs rather well. And I've read that tips Compendium. Thanks a lot everyone.
  14. Hehe, no, I'm not. I'm using a driver that's with Total Recorder, specificly made to record anything that you can hear on your speakers. I guess I'll reinstall my drivers.
  15. I can be using Total Recorder, Cakewalk Plasma, Winamp, or Audicity to record or play, and it always goes to that of less quality. They're not cracks or warez. And I play them raw without encoding anything. I set the quality to 48,000khz, but it doesn't sound anything like it.
  16. When I record with anything, the quality drops from either 16-bit to 8-bit, or from 41000khz to 22100khz. Do you have any idea why? I'm using a Crative Labs Sound Blaster 24-bit.
  17. Here's some quick tips: 1.Don't drink milk, it will produce a lot of snot and get in the way. 2.When you sing, stand up, if you need to sit down, sit up strait. 3.When you breath in, put it all in your gut. Push your stomacth out. Got them from here: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Singing Hopefuly they'll update it soon. I also have my own advise: Do you know the Do,Re,Ma,Fo,Sa,La,Te,Do or whatever thing? Then, when you sing, press the according key on a piano or keyboard and sing that note. Example: Do is C. So sing,"Do" while you press the C key. You might notice that your singing is a little flat or sharp.
  18. I have read some tutorials on this site, and they are really good. I understand them completly, but I need to practice a little more. I have been playing with MIDI and sound for years, and understand how to do a lot of stuff with sound. My main thing is, where can I find examples of how a OCRemixer, like Jeremy Soule or Russel Cox, does their songs? Like midi's, tutorials, screenshots, a site that explains what software they use, if they use soundfonts, vst's, mods, ect. Also, what software has the capabilities that are required to make quaility songs? I know it's the artist and not the software that makes the song, but some software just doesn't have what it takes. This is what I have: Sound Blaster 24-Bit with soundfont support. Mod trakers, e.g. Skale(it's pretty cool) 512 RAM Total Recorder Cakewalk Plasma Audicity Is my machince capable of making good quality music? Do you have any tips or tricks that can make a song better? For example, editing the velocity to make a more natural sound, adding some reverb, etc. Thanks, and, nice site.
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