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Posts posted by Lotd2242

  1. QFT. This is what has stopped both of the movies from being really good. Inane, random "humor" from secondary characters (Humping dogs? Really?!?)

    I come to the movie expecting to see big robots brawling, I got that, but I had to wade through a sea of atrocious "jokes" and goofiness to get to it.

    Well I don't mind so much that we have actual plot between the robots fighting, but I would much rather learn about one of the secondary transformers than spend a half hour with Sam's new roommate or his parents.

  2. I didn't have a problem with Soundwave not joining the battle so much as the fact that they made like 30 Decepticons and never bothered to introduce us to any of them.

    Ultimately, I think the first movie was better since it was much more cohesive and they actually highlighted each Transformer that was used. I think this movie suffers mostly from "OMGWEREAT2HRSALREADY?!" syndrome, where instead of editing the middle of the movie to move things along instead of dicking around, they chop out all kinds of stuff from the end so that it ends faster.

  3. The thread is a big tldr, but I really liked the movie. It was unashamed. You sat down, and the movie walked up and introduced itself. It says "Hi, I'm Trans-fucking-formers 2. So lemme lay it out for ya. I don't have a plot. We're gonna blow shit up for 2.5 hours, and when we aren't blowin' shit up, you'll be seeing Megan Fox a LOT. Like it, love it, or shove it."

    This is precisely why I enjoyed the movie.

    In a word, it was "fun." It has some big problems with characters randomly and inexplicably appearing from nowhere, a rail gun that stops being used for no apparent reason, waaaaaay too much lame sexual humor only funny to 13 year olds discovering that boys and girls are different, and a rather anti-climatic ending, but it was fun. It is the cartoon come to life and is completely unapologetic about it.

    A question on the score, supposedly Jablonski worked in the original Transformers theme and "The Touch" from the movie, but I never heard either. Did anyone catch that at some point?

  4. Not exactly. It was following orders, but it was fighting the overrides. THAT was the Dick Cheney of robots right there.

    Overrides from people with lower authority. The order not to return to Earth came from the President.

  5. That excuse hasn't worked since Nuremberg.

    Not for people no, but they were not people. They were robots. One of the themes of the movie was that Wall-E and Eve and the other robots working with them expanded beyond their programming.

  6. I thought it was depressing -_-;

    But the rest of the movie made it less so, I guess.

    As for Wall-E, watching it again in TV movie channels and watching Kung Fu Panda.... I'm actually thinking Kung Fu Panda really deserved the animation award it got over Wall-E that year. Wall-E was great, but its plot made NO SENSE. Way too convenient plot devices and robots being evil for no reason?... okay.

    What robots being evil? You mean the ship's computer? He wasn't evil. He was following his programming/orders.

  7. It's not depressing. It's sad, but it's not depressing.


    Pixar rarely disappoints. I enjoyed it though I liked Wall-E more. It is impressive how well they can create characters to which the viewer develops an emotional attachment. I only saw it in 2D because I didnt'see the point of seeing it in 3D.

  8. A lot of this stuff would have been nice have mentioned. It could be that they wanted to leave themselves room for future movies and explain it then, but I'm sure that was not the case.

    Same problem Star Trek had. They left out information to the prequel comic and deleted scenes that would have easily closed plot holes.

  9. Don't forget, Cyberdyne first got the Terminator-like technology from the first Terminator sent back to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor. No Terminator in the past = no Cyberdyne = no Skynet = no war. (Of course, that in itself is a time paradox.)

    It gets worse. Skynet only exists because it went back in time to stop John Connor from existing. But John Connor exists only because Skynet went back in time to stop John Connor from existing.

    I was under the impression that Connor was running under a "worse case scenario" mindset when it came to keeping Reese alive. I don't think any of the characters really know what would happen if Reese was killed. I believe that extended to Skynet, which would explain why Skynet wanted to kill both of Reese and Connor.

    My problem is that I don't know where Skynet got the idea that Kyle Reese was going to time travel. I could see it being aware of John Connor by way of him constantly warring with them. Is that a function of the 3rd movie's terminator essentially creating Skynet?

  10. Oh I don't know, I figured that it didn't kill Marcus because more than likely, it knew he was a terminator, until Marcus attacked it, then it probably figured it was a defected one, and figured it should kill him to stop messing with his mission.

    That doesn't explain John Connor. It walks past a gatling gun, grabs him by the throat, and rather than just crushing his puny neck, throws him against a wall.

    I'm not one for logic with films anymore, I mean, I just watched The Spirit, and enjoyed it thoroughly :tomatoface:. I know there are ones that always have to find some sort of logic in movies, granted, I like it with SOME forms of movies, like crime/mystery movies, especially if there set in modern day, or even in 50's eras, you get the idea.

    I don't demand movies always follow logic. I enjoyed the hell out of Crank and Crank 2 and neither of those movies make any sense whatsoever logically, but they're funny and more importantly they don't try to BS the viewer. They are up-front about the fact they're making a movie that is ridiculous and would never work in reality. They're also consistent in that fact whereas a Terminator or a Dark Knight will pretend to be in the "real world" one minute and then toss that convention the second it becomes inconvenient.

    I liked the film, wasn't bad, wasn't the worst film I'd ever seen either (Santa Claus vs. The Martians is right up there, but is only saved by Mystery Science Theater riffing it). Was there plot holes, or things that didn't really add up? Of course, but hey, I think they did alright with what they went with at least.

    And what's with everyone complaining about Christian Bale/The Dark Knight? Sure, he was similar to his Bruce Wayne act, but well, there's some difference in those two characters, personality wise, but not much, at least to me that is. But now all of a sudden The Dark Knight haters are coming out of the woodwork, "ohh, now it's 'cool' to hate that movie now, I better agree with the bloggers!" (Of course, if you didn't like Dark Knight for VALID reasons, that's fair enough with me)

    I actually liked Terminator more than Star Trek, neither of which were the Worst Film Evah. It's just they're such generic nonsense that would be utterly forgettable without the brand name stamped on top.

    As for the Dark Knight, the only thing that saved that movie from mediocrity was Ledger's Joker. I think people are slowly coming around to the idea that it was a over-hyped as they watch it repeatedly and begin to see all the flaws come to light as the adrenaline rush the action produces begins to fade.

  11. I came out of this movie with the same feelings I had about Star Trek. It's just another generic action SciFi movie that has only a passing resemblence to its franchise. It's enough to keep you from being bored and generally looks good, but beyond that there's just nothing there.

    Hell John Connor is arguably not even the main character given how much more often Marcus is on screen. It's also full of inconsistencies and silly plot holes too, where Terminators apparently choose not to kill their targets. And did we really need the Borg Queen scene?

    Overall it was just another "meh" movie.

  12. Technically it's not a laser sword. If it were a laser anything, it would not cut off like it does, certainly not in like 3 ft. It's actually probably a helical partical stream running along the inside of a force field and attracted back to the handle.

  13. Unfortunately, they chose not to include that information in the movie. It's a really bad decision on the part of the writers to leave the exposition of what's going on with Nero & Future Spock almost entirely to the Countdown comic book. I had read a synopsis of the comic book, but I don't remember anyone mentioning the Klingon prison. One critical detail I think the comic book had that the movie does not the is whole bit about Vulcan not wanting to help Romulus. That at least gives some justification to all that Spock/Vulcan hate.

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