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Everything posted by viewtiful

  1. True, and his band is absolute shit, but here he is playing a 2-neck custom job live, and it's pretty impressive for guitar wankery. EDIT: let's try that link again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9FLWzpMvdA Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go wash my jeans. -steve Yeah... tapping, it's not like every teenage boy in my country owns an ibanez and can do that, and then post video's of themselves doing it on youtube and googlevideo where you can even see the mouse in the shot move because they needed multiple takes... not like that at all
  2. Sorry for quoting all of that but I felt it was needed. Ummm ever heard of humanising? Personally I think that the fact that it was clearly preformed live and had a few minor mistakes added to the quality of the song. Gives the impression of a very laid back tune which you could play on a summer’s day outside the front of a house in hillbilly country. Frankly if this was done on computer even with humanising effects it would sound no where near as good and would lose all of its quality and style. I want to get some tabs or sheet music and learn it myself, good job
  3. Absolutely brilliant, thoroughly enjoyed. Unfortunately however I can't enjoy the second CD completely as I only ever played the game at my friend’s house when I was young and never got past the temple. But all of the tracks up to the temple theme reminded me of all the fun (and frustration) I had playing it on my friends SNES back in the day (1990's)
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