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Everything posted by Minator2

  1. Would it be possible for someone to do a remix ofthis song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd9ipKmbne0 Even though it's a regular song, it's used in the game Kinetica for the PS2. I thank anyone for even taking the time to look at this. Thanks!
  2. Could someone do King De's tower theme from Kirby's Dream Land 3? Here is what it sounds like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_0BixI4fdE
  3. I believe it is done! http://boomp3.com/listen/c0a0fig1l_n/the-kredits
  4. I noticed that there isnt even in the selection of the Kirby music. Well, can anyone do a remix of the music from King De's (dark) Tower? Here is what is sounds like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_0BixI4fdE
  5. Ok, here is part of the remix. It isnt finished yet, but he is still working on it. http://boomp3.com/listen/bzm3ai3de_5/eight-bit-blades
  6. Hey, my friend has begun the remix. When it is done, I'll send you the link!
  7. Yeah, I know, it sucks not being able to have the music you want, but keep trying. If you want, I'll see if a friend can remix it for you.
  8. Usually you have to post the thing you want done several times before any kind of consideration.
  9. Can someone do a remix of the Battle (fortress) level from Gauntlet Dark Legacy?
  10. Can anyone do this? The site with the origional audio is the following link. http://gh.ffshrine.org/soundtracks/7013 I hope that something can be remixed. This is great music. My fav is # 16, but any will do.
  11. Is it possible for anyone to give me the original music? I am looking for several specific tracks or remixes of them, which I haven't found. Help would be awesome.
  12. Can some one do a remix of these? Squawk's Shaft Disco Train Hornet Hole Lost Anthem I do believe that none of these have remixes.
  13. Kinetica is a game for the PS2. It's kind of old, but has really awesome music none the less. Is it possible for someone to link me to a site that I am able to download the actual music from the game or remixes of it. If not, may I ask someone to do a remix since there arent any of this game? Thank you for your time and effort.
  14. Is it possible for someone to do a remix or the two last boss fights? The orb, and the vampire? I love the music to both and was surprised to see there aren’t any remixes on either. I would greatly appreciate it.
  15. PLEASE,someone do a Kinetica remix. That music is awesome.
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