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Posts posted by RedFusion

  1. Hooray!

    Just one night after being amazed by watching Jillian perform live in front of a crowd of 5,500 odd people down here in Melbourne, with the MSO, I'm so pleased to find a zircon album here for my listening pleasure. :D

    Been a while since I've visited this site but I'm glad I came back now.

    PS: SO proud of you Jillian, if you're reading this. It was AMAZING seeing you live. I hope you get to perform in front of many more people, the world needs to hear more of you.

    PPS: +1 for bandcamp. I hate itunes.

  2. I actually prefer, and was hoping for more of a gritty realistic looking game, similar to HoN's graphics. Sort of don't like the cartoony-looking aspect of it, but I'm sure it'll grow on me, and I haven't seen much of the game other than a few still shots. And Lucy looks sorta cool.

    Heck, I don't see why I should complain, considering the gazillion hours I've spent on War3.

    And anyway, at least HoN's free to play if I really want those kind of graphics... heh.

  3. I'm surprised no-one posted about this earlier.

    It's a great indie game with an incredible soundtrack. That alone is worth the purchase.

    Oh, it's also a really neat shoot-em-up, arguably the best one on Steam, is a blast with friends, is very accommodating for those new to the genre, and can be extremely difficult for those who want to challenge themselves (Judgement mode anyone?).

    Highly recommended.

  4. Anyone know where else I can digitally buy this? I absolutely detest iTunes, and Play-Asia sells it for a ridiculous $31 USD.

    (or if it's available at a cheaper price from other reputable online store?)

    I've never played Xenogears, but I feel like I'm already so familiar with its soundtrack just because of OCR.

    Oh and LOL: this is a quote I found from the gamefaq forums whilst I was looking up MYTH:

    I didn't really like it unfortunately. Its a shame when a fan album like Humans + Gears can be so superior to an official one (then again, OC Remix is just freaking awesome).

  5. Spoilers: (omg I'm using spoiler warnings for a trailer!?)

    What's crazy is that when you watch it from the beginning again, and knowing that it's the end, is that the family's pretty much doomed, dad's running away, mother's about to be overwhelmed, and not to mention the obvious of the daughter dying. Sad stuff.

  6. Can Activision just f*ck off and die already?

    Seriously, it screws up so many companies, namely Bizarre Creations and now these guys, they don't deserve to even exist. They're not even worth the air the breathe. Seriously, what do they even have to their name that they've made themselves?

    They're just leeching off Blizzard, and Blizzard doesn't even need them and that dropkick Kotick.

    I hope Kotick crashes and burns, rots and lives out his days under a rotten old bridge full of manure.

  7. The very early parts of Puzzle Quest used to piss me off to no end. You can't find a decent match, do one match-three, and then watch as the computer gets three Heroic Efforts in a row, casts a bunch of turn skipping spells, and does a bunch of match-fours on red skulls.

    Oh yeah, FFFFFFFFFFFFF- Puzzle Quest 2 used to frustrate me somewhat, when the computer would do some random move, and all the new gems that fall down end up giving him all kinds of spastaic combos.

    But the game got less frustrating when I just used beastly Assassin combos to rip through the enemies. :)

  8. This sounds awesome!

    I can't buy tracks off Amazon, and I don't use/like iTunes, so I'll grab it off Bandcamp when it's released on that. :)


    Listening to this album some more: damn this album is on many magnitudes of awesome.

    Extremely well produced, very professional, and great to listen to. I really hope you go places with this.

    Great thing with Bandcamp is that fans can choose to easily tip the artist as well. And it supports different audio formats.

    Any chance of a physical disc release? I'd love to get my hands on a physical copy.

  9. Apocalyptica - Nothing else matters

    Whilst technically isn't a quartet, they're still a string group. And that cover is awesome.

    To quoth wikipedia:

    Apocalyptica is a Finnish cello metal band from Helsinki, Finland, formed in 1993. The band is composed of classically trained cellists and, since 2003, a drummer. Three of the cellists are graduates of the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland. Their music features elements from classical music and neo-classical metal, to symphonic metal and thrash metal. They have sold over three million albums to date.
  10. Is this confirmed? Because if it isn't and you posted this. Fuck you. I played the shit out of this series.

    It's confirmed. If you consider "revealed at E3" as confirmed, then yeah, it's confirmed.

    F%^& I want this game. I'm even considering buying a DS _JUST_ for this game, I absolutely loved the first and second ones.

  11. Even though I have yet to finish FFXIII (well, I'm up to Chapter 13 at least), and have too many games on my PS3 that I need to finish (and probably won't), I checked out the OST of this game, and was blown away. Following this, I promptly found a bargain copy of this game (for $25 AUD) online, and impulse-bought it.

    Thanks OCR! Let's hope it will be worth it haha.

  12. Thanks for posting about this! Yes, the game has been VERY well received so far by just about every reviewer. It was a real pleasure working on the soundtrack to it, along with fellow OC ReMixer bustatunez (Will Roget, II), Jeff Ball and Dan Reynolds, two other OCR community members.

    If you're at all a fan of the original MI2, you gotta check the special edition out.


    I'll probably get this soon... some day. I know I want it, but, I never finished the first monkey island remake (the game felt a bit dated, even though it was re-made), and I still want to play Tales of monkey island (the new one by telltale games).

    Not to mention the trillion other games I have yet to play. :(

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