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Posts posted by Sadorf

  1. About damn time you got a mix on OCR that you've deserved for longer than I can rememeber.

    haha yeah no shit..

    Dragonlord has been mixing forever, and out of the tons of music i have from him, there is only like..ONE song i just cant stand heh, and this one is NOT it.......

    soo yeah, nice work dragonlord...u slow bastard!


    Bye bye!

  2. Hidden Palace is hard. -_-

    yeah sadorf, you can laugh now.

    Anyways, I might do a collab with another talented remixer for this one, so stay tuned :wink:








    Ok nuts it did....

    I wasnt kidding when i said the song was being a pain in the ass....so i dunno. And you better find someone else to collab on that...u already know i refuse to have anything to do with that SHITTY SHITTY song...

    yep thats all i got...

    Well now, as for new WIPs from me...well...i am not ina rush anymore...i want to see what the next deadline is...and i will say ONE thing.. deadlines arent made to be moved, having a person or 2 say they are gonna be late is fine, no need ot move it... MOving it even this one day that you did, will result in it happening again, you can sa it wont happen all you want, and i will call bullshit... buut feel free to prove me wrong, would be rather nice to have thing work how they should.

    people being a day late is fine....but why give everyone that extra time, will just make people work less..

    sooo now that really is all i got..i gave Richter shit like 10 years ago on the Sonic 2 project about the constantly moving deadlines.... in the end everything worked out alright i think..but that was so long ago its hard to tell :) if this gets completed before summer is over..which is quite a long time for everyone, a lot of people and myself included will be impressed and happy that there will be all these kick ass mixes...that didnt take 10 years to make! heh

    OMG BYE...

    and as jealous as u all are, my sig will forever be the best there is :)

  3. Well, I've asked this question here before, but maybe I misworded it because I didn't get a very good response.

    I'm kind of a midi newbie, but I have to make one.

    So without further ado, how do you "do" drums in midi?

    Sure, there are a few midi instruments that are drums, like the crappy electronic snares and the taiko, but I mean an actual drumkit. Of all the midi instruments I can't find an actual drumset, yet many midi songs I open with FL mysteriously have them pre-imported or such.

    Basically, my question is, how do I make a midi out channel that has a midi drumkit assigned to it?

    And secondarily, how do you add effects like reverb and delay in midi?

    Sorry if I worded my question badly again, but I'm not sure how else to explain it. I just don't really understand this.

    I believe in FL, the MIDI drumkit is assigned to channel 9 on your MIDI Out.

    You can't add reverb or delay in MIDI. You can try to simulate it by adding extra notes of lower velocities, though.

    Drums be channel 10 :)

  4. Both have a slight quirk at the beginning, I'm trying to figure out exactly whats causing them, but they are there for now.

    I dont know exactly what you are using to mix these. But my guess is that the reverb from the previous time it was played just carried over when it came to render the files. To fix it, you can do 2 things:

    First would be to close the prog you are using, then reopen it and open the project file and just export the wav with out hitting play at all in it. This way there will be no sounds from previous play since..it wasnt played at all.

    Second solution, while leaving the prob open, push play in it and let it go a a second or 2 then hit stop, this way you wont have all the noise from the end of the tracks coming in the beginning.

    One of those SHOULD fix the little prob, give them a try. If it is FL you are using, i can gaurentee one of those will work, if its something else like reason, i can only guess that they will work. Give them a try and se what happens.


  5. wow...Sadorf, your remix is soo good it messed up Winamp... "Winamp has incountered a problem and needs to close" ...

    I doubt it was the mp3 that made it crash...

    but if it was, blame the vbr. and to fix it

    did a few volume changes and switched some of the melodies around a bit to make it flow better, raised piano shit later in the song up an octave so it can be heard better. i encoded it at at 160kbps instead of a vbr... enjoy


    EDIT: OMG 500 POSTS!...

  6. i'm glad most of you liked the demo i posted, but how about something that is a little bit more rough?

    couple reasons for the new demo, the lead needed a TINY bit more power to it to stand out a bit more. Also trying to put a few things together for some new sections of the songs. And i changed the current melodies a little while i was at it to make it sound less repetitive.

    That is all for now.


  7. meh..

    after some thought for a bout 5 mins..i decided i will publicly let everyone know..that i...am....mixing... OMFG ICE CAP!...

    but yeah, after hidden palace got me nowhere, and after trying a few others, i went with this so i can see if i can bring something with a little change to the shit load of ice cap mixes..

    i dount i will release any further wips, cause well..im just not that nice. this will give you all a chance to vaguely hear an idea or 2 that i have. it isnt very clean, it may even hurt your ears, but it was started less than 24 hours ago.

    so enjoy (or not) the little demo.

    bye bye!


  8. I am officially attempting to remix Sky Sanctuary.

    I have a question for sithlord-aku, before I submit a work in progress, though: you said that if more than one person wants to do a track, there will be a vote for which version is the best. Will the vote be based on the WIPs, or on the completed versions?

    I'm assuming it will be based on the completed versions, but paranoia prevents me from officially submitting a WIP until I'm certain.

    WIll be the completed versions

  9. I hereby announce that i claim the Lava Reef Zone/Hidden Palace (witch is said to be considered as one track right ??) Anyways, i got a nice wip goin on, ill post it in a day or two..

    No they are not considered one track. while hidden palace does have some of the lava reef melody, its not all the same.

  10. Just for the record, I've been buggin sadorf about it and he's gonna give hidden palace zone a try.

    I'll make sure he does. When it comes to bug the hell out of people, I'm an expert. :wink:

    Just for the record, I have tried like 5 times to get a decent start, but every single try has led to pure shit. I said to nuts and a few others, that i would give one attempt at the song...well, ive tried more than once. Find someone else to mix the song, i will not be trying to mix it anymore.


    Thats all i got.. good luck on the project


  11. Well, Ichi, i'm impressed :D

    I like what i'm hearing so far... my only complaint is that one of the drum sounds you've got sounds like mike speakers popping or crackling. It's that kind of higher-pitch 'pop' kinda sound that plays in the drums from 00:56 onwards. Remove that, and I'm happy ^^

    As for ideas? Kick in some massive drums right where this ends, add a more defined lead (with more high frequencies so it stands out more) and some louder background pads/strings. You can have it play the same thing that it plays towards the end of what you've got so far - just make it sound fuller and louder - before transitioning into a different section. Perhaps it goes quieter again, but still retains the hi-fi sound with more frequency range than what you've currently got there.

    Yeah... what you've got sounds a little lo-fi and muddy because there's a lack of high-frequencies (something I know, because I used to do it all the time until sadorf taught me some nifty EQ tricks). But that's okay. The lo-fi sounds suits the mood and atmosphere that you've got so far. Just make sure that once it transisitions into a fuller sound, you boost up the higher frequencies on some of the instruments to balance out the lower ones.

    One cool trick is to split your drum track into three channels - boost up the low frequencies on the kicks, the mid frequencies on the snares, and the high frequencies on the hats. It really does make it sound that much fuller ^^

    I'll give you an example incase you're wondering what the hell i'm on about ;)

    This is me before I EQ'd my stuff right:

    And this is me after Sadorf showed me tha light:

    EDIT: fixed links

    So yeah. You can see a pretty drastic improvement, and the only real major change was some equalising ^^

    I hope some of that helps - if you need me to help out in any other way, just ask. I've got access to both FL and Reason (being at an audio college is teh roxor :D ), so if you want help with anything, just ask ^^

    I really do love what you've got so far, and I'm dying to hear more! Hurry up! :P

    Oh, and sithlord - good to see you're making a fast recovery :)



  12. Nah Sadorf didnt mean it that way.

    Plus it seems to be one of the tougher songs to make your own way.

    *guess some songs can be a hassle then

    Btw why not let us hear the original to compare the two? Just an idea.



    And i was asked awhile back by richter if i wanted to release WIPS and stuff....and for me i think its a good idea..since i had so many of them heh

    The first one:

    It was started waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before this project even existed...and before i knew what i was really doing... the intro?....someone pointed out to me long ago that sounded like korn...wasnt intentional...but doesnt matter, it was scrapped for the next thing..

    This one:

    Never got past the first demo, i was tryin to hard to use what i had in the first one combining it with some other crap i dont exacty remember...

    Now THIS one....

    Is sorta the beginning of the FINAL on the project, i still didnt know how i was gonna do the melodies or anything, so it was just basicly me trying to force ideas into my head. Well not long after some ideas did come slowly and i continued to work on it...

    etc....i will get back to that shortly

    This next one, I am not exactly sure what i was going for, but i did decide this is the last version i was gonna TRY to write..as the filename will say..

    im not gonna link to all the demos, cause well...dont wanna! but you can all goto and get everything done...including a rough robotnik demo or two... But yeah, after playing with that so called FINAL thing awhile...i just decided that i wasnt going to be able to get it to sound how i wanted..that and i ran out of ideas reaaaaally fast.

    Well now, that takes me back to what i used on the final, after i thought about it for about 5 mins...i decided that i would clean up what i had the best i could, and call it a day. I have mixed the song waaay too many times for me to even think about touching it again.

    so was the mp3 that was submitted...

    SEE WASNT THAT AN ALMOST NOT REALLY INTERESTING STORY? haha.... well there you all have it....you now know what richter was talkin about with the 43642352532354252 mixes....

    i would say to enjoy those....but i dont...so you shouldnt either! :)

    uhmm yeah, thats all i got for now


  13. Well, Sadorf, you lost my respect. But good luck in the remixing community :wink:

    I lost your respect? haha

    whys that? cause i replied to a comment about not recognizing aquatic ruins in the whole thing and that i had no choice but to write what i wrote because the original song is a bit poop and went in my own direction so i could work with the song better?

    oooor, is it the fact that i am sick of all the projects, and dont want to be involved in them?

    Seriously, having a couple projects? thats fine...but having so many go on like this...it will get old pretty fast...no wait... already is getting old.

    If i can make people lose my respect that they didnt have anyways, by stating MY thoughts and opinions, then shit, i hope everyone feels the same way as you do, will just show how narrowminded everyone is.

    Kadosho says i was belittling myself. I dont see how i belittled myself, all i said was that i had to put a lot of original stuff into the song because of the way the original was wrote.

    If you all wanna get pissy about everything i say, go ahead, its not gonna hurt anyone.

  14. Well, having heard them all, I'm still greatly impressed. :D

    I love every last track, and my only 'slight' problem is that it's kind of hard for me to recognize the original song in Aquatic Project. But it's a great one anyway, so it is a very slight problem that isn't too much of a bother. :wink:

    Great work sticking this through, guys. Especially you, Richter. *salutes*

    Wow thanks, that means a lot, seriously....

    The problem with aquatic ruins is the fact that the original is just plain crap, making it not crap means adding lots of original material to it...didnt wanna, but with how i was writing it, i didn't have much of a choice


    i will give it a nice semi big HEEEEELL NO!

    I am quite sick of sonic mixing, if i gonna mix any more sonic music, its gonna be on my terms not anyone elses. I picked aquatic ruins in HH cause i already had it started...OH BUT GUESS WHAT? it was shit...just pure shit...sooo started over about TWELVE times to get what you hear now.

    So thats my thoughts on it all, call me an asshole if u want, i dont care, ive had enough, no more projects for me.



  15. Wether you liked the song or not, i wuold just like to thank you all for your comments, as it is always nice to get feedback on what is right and what may be wrong. and to clear up a tiny thing about the snare being weak. I lost the file for the song and was stuck with what you see here, and i would have encoded it a little higher to rid it of some of the swishy sounds, but ah well heh.

    Thanks again everyone, maybe the next song i do will have all the problems people had with this one fixed (and prolly have diff probs) heh.


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