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    The 'Net


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  1. Well, I was recommended this Remix from a friend of mine and I was immediately impressed. I've been in Choir for over 5 years (I'm 18 FYI, so since I was 13 I've been in Choir, long time) and been to many state competitions and trust me, I know talent in a voice. You seemed a tad nervous, but that's my opinion. Darangen has major talent and the intro seemed a bit...off...from the rest of the Remix, but it never once hurt my opinion of it. You've hooked me on this song and I find myself singing it out. You have major Talent dude, I'll be checking out your other Remixes...and a way to stop this song from continuiously playing in my head, hah, but seriously, keep it up, I hope to see more of this kinda thing from you. Later.
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