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Hardbeat Acolyte

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Posts posted by Hardbeat Acolyte

  1. I'd like to try & make a PRC comeback sometime, maybe this week, I'll see how things go with school and all, lol =p

    Bundeslang, are you able to rename my account on Thasauce from setokaibarocket to Hardbeat Acolyte, in keeping with this new account & new handle? If you can, it'd be great, I'd appreciate that :grin:

    Also, according to memory, mixers can remix one or both sources in their entry as desired, though using both sources is encouraged.

  2. Argh, made this new account before noticing a thread like this even existed :< Please forgive my noobish mistake

    Is it possible to merge my old account "setokaibarocket" with this one, with all information for this account taking precedence over the old one? If so, I'd be very grateful :-D

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