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Hardbeat Acolyte

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Posts posted by Hardbeat Acolyte

  1. Hehe, thanks GLL =D but I forgot to mention, nah, it isn't me doing the vocals, eheh; they're from the song of the same name by 22Catch from www.looperman.com. Maybe when I get a half-decent mic I'll try something with my voice in it, at least some cheesy techno MCing, hahaha. Though personally I think my voice is rather sucky, so I may have to mess it up with a pitchshifter or something =p

    Sure, a collab would be cool sometime, though the problem is I use version 6 =/ Plus my internet access can be quite unreliable, as you may have noticed, lol. But sometime after the end of this month I may get a home connection =D

  2. Damn damn damn, lol! Time for me to get into my sad story of misery and misfortune, hehe.

    So I'm at an internet kiosk at my local shopping centre on Saturday to upload my mix. I post indicating that I'm uploading my mix, and then go to actually upload it. However, Thasauce apparently didn't like the file, and said that perhaps it wasn't an MP3 file (it was though, so maybe format error of some sort with my mix?). Tried again, still nothing. So I go to rapidshare to upload the mix, which i would post the link here with an explanatory note. It's 50% uploaded when poof, my time is up and the kiosk logged out, and I had no more spare change.

    So anyways, this was the mix I was going to enter, lol:


    I rendered it as a wav, trimmed it up using Nero Wave Editor then converted it to MP3, so that prolly has something to do with why Thasauce wouldn't accept it =/

  3. Thanks OneUp, glad to hear it =D

    Hehe, you're entirely right Siamey =P i doubt that most people who aren't techno connoiseurs would correctly guess various forms of electronic music too, but I just wanted to be an ass about it in this one particular instance, lol =p

    Yeah like Thu and others I think the best thing about the competition is certainly getting feedback on your work. Also it's fun trying new/underground/weird things with a source and seeing what comes of it, hahaha =p I certainly wasn't expecting to win this round with my rather experimental mix in any case, and I do think hardstyle is an aquired taste, haha.

    Anyways, nice round people, and I look forward to hearing the next source! =D

  4. I agree with most of the points expressed by OneUp and Bundeslang. Of course, it was a great round and Rexy certainly earned the win =D

    oh also, I didn't get a chance to vote, but OneUp's mix was certainly original, and entertaining to listen to, lol. Even though it couldn't be called trance or 'clubber' music of any description, hah ;p

    I remember a ten year old boy (or girl) posting many remixes (MIDI Rips) on Vgmix while it was in phase 2.5. I wonder if he's the same person.
    If it is, then I would certainly like to praise him/her for their originality, and taking the sources in such fresh directions :)

    Also, excuse me for being a stubborn prick Game_Boy, but my mix was not trance. It was hardstyle. Although I love both, there are very substantial differences between the two genres, and I believe that one who is not adequately versed in the ways of electronic music can hardly justify lumping them all together in the one broad category [/rant]

  5. I was gonna joke on how it sounded like a certain tune, but I think I'll keep that to myself and use the resemblance to my advantage. ;-)

    I think I know what you're talking about.. ;P

    (tell me, does it have anything to do with a blond guy, hope I don't give too much away here, lol)

  6. WiP v1: http://rapidshare.de/files/45677309/Genesis_-_Duchess__DJ_Sekairo_Techno_Mix___WiP_v1_.mp3.html

    Heya everyone, this is a (crazily simple at the moment) remix I'm making of Genesis' song Duchess.. Just really a sketch at the moment, only getting the piano and the bass in place to go with the vocals nicely (The flute is, at the moment, the substitute for what the vocals will kinda be like).

    So anyways, I'm looking for a somewhat experienced male vocalist to collab with for it. The original song is in 81bpm, the mix is in 120bpm, in the same key. Don't take it the wrong way, but please provide a sample of your prior work if you offer to collab for it, I wanna be sure that it fits with my vision =p

    Here are the lyrics: http://www.lyricstime.com/genesis-duchess-lyrics.html

    Here is the original song also:


    Thanks, and please leave comments if you have any cool suggestions for me when I actually build up the mix into something a little more tangible :)

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