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Posts posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Yes, put a pass on it. There is some guy named Ninja Medic on there right now running around yelling at people, doing usual 4chan "YOU ARE FAIL, FAIL SOLDIER, FAIL SPY, FAG" stuff. Putting the name idle or running an idle map attracts morons of all walks.

  2. I don't see the logic...

    Shouldn't you be... you know... idling? Like... AFKing and doing something more productive at the same time?

    You could also just go console "volume 0" or whatever the exact command is...

    The two idle servers I go to, most people talk and actually play during off times, just as a way to pass time and get some practice in. And if I did the volume 0, or whatever, you could call me atmuh hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  3. I can't stand playing online games with 12 year olds with mics. As many of you can tell that play on the TF2 server. They seem to have this uncanny ability to want to point out overly obvious shit, like "hey guys, if you hit someone with the baseball, it stuns you!". Or they talk about random shit in the middle of the game that has nothing to do with either A) the game or strategy at hand, or B) anything to do with the conversation going on. That a2Z4 guy is the perfect example of this shit.

    Also, if you have a whiny/kid/balls haven't dropped voice, don't use the mic. I especially don't want to hear someone try to give me orders when I am twice their age, and know more about online gaming besides Halo. Kthx.

  4. Gray was a great man, and if he was someone's alt, then he was a damn good one. I talked to him quite a bit on IRC, and he even bailed me out a few times from admin bannage on both IRC and on the forums here. Plus giving me the guest judging spot on the CV remix as well. So I can't say he was one of my best friends, but he was a friend indeed, and I really wish we had more people like him on the forums, and especially on IRC still. OCR is missing a lot without Gray.

  5. Yeah, L4D2 midnight riders. Also more bands will be adding to it as it becomes more popular. I know a couple of bands that I talk to sometimes have said they are interested in it, but they are just waiting to see how well the launch will go before committing their time to it. But then again one of those bands has a song on Guitar Hero, so they should know how well stuff sells.

  6. More people probably have b2 than b1, so that might be killing the server. I say we try running b2 on there for a little while, and if it keeps killing the server, then cut off.

    The differences between 'em aren't too big, other than some revisions on stage 3.

    And stage 3 is the problem. Its a onesided clusterfuck if a pyro rushes the cart. Usually you get one, maybe 2 rounds in before everyone ragequits, as seen earlier tonight. Hopefully a new beta might add a little more to it, or the map needs to be taken off rotation. Its a good concept though, and I like it, just not working out.

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