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Everything posted by Shivy

  1. The port of Resident Evil on the DS still had all the cutscenes in-tact, and was a near perfect port of a two-disc game.
  2. *shrugs* I don't know if it matters, but ever since VGDJ went on hiatus, I've felt honestly estranged and segregated from the OCR community. I know its mostly my own damn fault, but VGDJ was the small bit of thread that helped pull me closer to everything that goes on here at OCR. Joining a new community is always a difficult thing to do, and although I've been hanging out at OCR since waaaaay back when it began, I'm not a big forum-type guy, and don't post all that often about stuff (I didn't even make a forum account until a handful of months ago, and again that was, in a big part, VGDJ's doing). I try to listen to other podcasts, but I really enjoyed VGDJ a reat deal morethan any others that I subscribe to (though to be honest, Zircon and Pixietricks are a lot less entertaining when I can see them... Might just be because it clashes with my overworked imagination. Luckily videocasts are rare.) I just felt like I needed to post somewhere and let others know how I feel. I look forward to the return of VGDJ, and hope that things continue smoothly here at OCR. I love you all.
  3. Well, I'm really looking forward to the Mag-Fest episode. It's been a while since e've had a nice heartily-lengthed VGDJ. You spoiled us all with so many of those "special" episodes in close succession.
  4. No VGDJ on Monday? Buh. Sna.
  5. Unleash the Beast.... Yeah, so do I!
  6. I had heard a few of the first VGDJ's, but didn't really listen to it regularly until they released the Videogames Live one. I loved it so much that I totally got back into podcasts and VGDJ all over again.
  7. Sounds good, Zircon. A lot of times when I try to remix something, it gets bogged down with original material and strays too far from the original. I loved the first Flow Basket, love to see another one.
  8. Already voted (twice). Lookin' forward to 52. I'm sad, though. Stupid Otacon is in Baltimore, and that's a hassel for someone out on the West Coast. Still, I've gt a friend going, and Ive hassled him enough to go to the Panel if at all possible, so we'll see.
  9. I think my keyboard broke again... I'm just gonna have to by a new one, perhaps. Oh, by the by, that was one of my favorite Walt Whitman poems...
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