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  1. I remember lurking way back when this was first posted. It's still the best mix on the site. One of the absolute classics, without a doubt.
  2. Yeah, Dogs on Acid is pretty much the only place to go for DnB loops. But other than stuff you might find from producers like Cause 4 Concern, etc etc. loops are garbage anyway (who isn't sick of the Amen break by now?) -- a real cheap and easy solution would be to get yourself the natural studio drumkit from http://www.naturalstudio.co.uk/ and just make them yourself. As far as free drum kits online, this one just absolutely destroys everything else out there quality-wise. It's a minor hassle setting up a "master" track in Fruity or whatever you use with every sample (considering there's about 20 samples per drum) but once you have that saved you can rock the world.
  3. Alternatively, you could just program the entire pattern in the piano roll, then start the next one immediately where that pattern ends. Then again, that's more of a pain in the ass then what you suggested...
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