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Posts posted by Effef

  1. I forget what actually does this, but yeah, its broken. It will cost more to repair it than what its worth, so time for a new TV. Excellent excuse to go for HD.

    Also, never ever ever open a CRT TV or monitor unless you know what you are doing. They can kill. Easily.

  2. It could probably run without one, since the Athlon X2 4000+ is a 65nm processor and thus produces very little heat. I would probably put a low speed one in the back, just for peace of mind. Plus, it will help cool the hard drive and motherboard components through indirect airflow.


    These are nearly silent, and actually push a good bit of air for how slow they run. Since you don't have any especially hot components, it should do fine.

  3. Yeah, the 8500GT is kinda bottom of the current-gen barrel. Although, you could probably get like 4 of them for the price of an 8800GT. So if there's a way to SLI 4 8500GTs, you might be in business. :D

    That would actually be pretty cool, just because somebody bothered to try it.

    Still an enormous waste of time and money though.

    Just for fun, I looked something up:


    "double the fun" with Zotac 8500GT SLI is not enough to win against a single 8600GT which, as we said before, costs less than two of these.

    Yeah, you're fucked. A single 8600GT can barely do crysis at like 10fps.

  4. I disable Windows Defender/Firewall but left on the confirmation alerts whenever something starts up. It might just be a placebo effect or it might be legit, but I feel a sense of security when everything I open has to be manually confirmed. I know that might come off as seeming a bit sarcastic, but it's not. You can disable the feature quite easily if you like as well.

    Ive already disabled it, one of the first tings I did when I got this laptop.

  5. I've run into very few problems with Vista, and none that I couldn't resolve with a few minutes of research. I enjoy it, it's got plenty of eye-candy and doesn't try to be too new like so many people want it to be. C'mon people, if they changed too much it'd be broken to the point of no return. This is Microsoft we're talking about. Let them stick to what (mostly) works and not try to stray too far from the path they set.

    Let Nintendo work on the revolutionary part. ;)

    Thats the problem. People bitch for change and then bitch when they get it. I can't entirely blame Microsoft for taking the safe route.

    They could have left out the asinine security measures though.

  6. 500 per card? yeah that is.

    an 8800 Ultra only uses 175 watts at max power

    But its not just the card you are powering with that thing. Its the ram its the processor its the fans its anything else you might have in there

    with a core 2 quad and 4 gigs of ram you are looking at like 175 watts maximum

    fans use so little they don't even matter

    500 watts on an SLI or Crossfire configuration? I DARE you to try that and see what the end result is. Trust me you wont like it an 800 watt supply is the absolute min if you run two cards if you want to run the rest of your system without overclocking.

    I build gaming pcs for people, and I have done this several times

    guess what

    if you use a quality power supply, it works quite well

    1000 Watts brings you a cushion that you will need later.

    SPOILERS: only people who run 8800 ultras in quad crossfire with 17 hard drives , a server mobo and dual core 2 quads even come close to needing 1000 watts

    Go to the geek squad if you dont believe me.


    Trust me you will want that extra power in a twin video card configuration. Check out the latest gaming PC's they aren't offering less than 1000 watts of power for a reason.

    they are offering 1000 watt power supplies because people like you who don't know any better think OMG HUGER NUMBERS IS BETTER and pay out the ass for them

    Go and read up on how amperage plays into power supplies and how they are used.

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