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Everything posted by Saio

  1. I'll say I'm in it to win it.. just because it rhymes. Get close to Uematsu.. absorb musical genius.. success?
  2. Updated January 5, 2007: All non-synth instruments have been replaced. Some instruments have been added and a small amount of tweaking has been done to composition. Give it another go and tell me what you think. I've kept the old version link for reference if anyone's interested. Link: Saio - Megalomania
  3. I mainly use Reason for my songwriting and as I've steered towards a more orchestral/electronica hybrid form of music I'm in the market for some high quality samples. I've been scouring the internet during this here time of giving (in which I can convince someone with more money than I that buying me a gift is a good idea ) and bumped into something that looks nice. I stumbled across the Miroslav Refill Gold Bundle (link: here) from Sonic Reality and was wondering if anyone had experience with these samples and could vouch for their quality. There are song samples on the site, of course, but there's no telling exactly how accurate a representation they are. Also, if anyone has had experience with that particular retailer (Esoundz), feedback is welcome in that area as well. Alternatively- if anyone would rather suggest another high-quality, extensive library of orchestral samples in the same price range as the Miroslav I'm open to suggestions there as well. Thanks in advance- Saio
  4. Thanks for all the feedback. I'm looking at coming up with a way to shorten it and still keep the overall effect I wanted.. If nothing else I suppose an internet scavenger hunt for high quality samples is in order.
  5. Ah yes, the joys of being financially challenged. :\
  6. It only wants you to register in order to download. It will stream from the site without registration. It's a little annoying sometimes, but the large amount of music storage is a good thing.
  7. This is my second completed remix of a game tune. A while back a friend suggested I remix this song and I had to replay all of FF6 to get a feel for it. Woo. I decided to name it "Megalomania" in honor of the power-crazed kinda guy Kefka is. The style is all over the place, and the transitions are (purposefully) abrupt. I hope you like it. ***OLD*** Saio - Megalomania ***OLD*** EDIT: Updated January 5, 2007: All non-synth instruments have been replaced. Some instruments have been added and a small amount of tweaking has been done to composition. Give it another go and tell me what you think. I've kept the old version link for reference if anyone's interested. Link: Saio - Megalomania
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