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The Instrumental Light

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Posts posted by The Instrumental Light

  1. hello i thought it would really be cool if someone could remix the Lord of the Rings Opening Theme for SNES(outstanding video game soundtrack, puzzling game though) just because of how good it is, someone already tried to but he made it too close to the original, it would be really awesome if someone could do that(along with any other song in that game(1994, good year!). Thanks! -The Lone Ranger

  2. i thought it was good at first but later it got boring, like same old also some of the drums,beats etc. did not go well with the rest of the mix. i could hear some of the distortion, but its not super noticable, just keep working and try to be adventurous in music creating, try new, unique, even funky styles and instruments in you're mix. great job on the whole! -The Lone Ranger

  3. pretty awesome mix! it sounds like its from a MegaMan X game, i think its pretty cool myself. off the bat i cant think of anything that needs improvement other than you might want to create an actual ending(meaning that you might want to close the song with a good finishing touch). great job! -The Lone Ranger

  4. interesting mix, but the affects in the begining sound glitchy. also most of the instruments(maybe all of them) had a low quality MIDI sound. you will want to work more on it and edit to make it less MIDI like, if that is not possible with you're music software, i suggest getting new music software( if you have enough money i would highly recomend Logic Pro, if it doesnt work with you're computer then get Live). also the way the song is made is in a MIDI like, dark way. i would personally suggest either redoing it totally or starting something new. keep on practicing and you could become a very skilled remixer. good job for trying anyway! -The Lone Ranger

  5. its very very well made, it sounds like a professional video game soundtrack from final fantasy tactics(something like that). in some parts i would say it got a little too chaotic that i think the judges might count it as a serious problem and might reject it for. my suggestion, while you want to have a few instruments flowing with each other, you dont want to have too many instruments at the same time(especially those that dont fit well with it which a few of i noticed) so work on that and you could easily get it passed. great job! -The Lone Ranger

  6. great mix, but i think i know why it got instantly rejected. its too close to the original it has the SAME(more or less)main instrument, almost all of the background sounds are the same. it sounds like you just took the media file and added a little on to it. for a mix to be passed, you have to rearrange it(give it a different personality than the original) think of something special, unique to use that will make it stand out as a remix. the way it was, you would be better off listening to the original(no offense to you or you're mix). keep on practicing and you will do it, good job for you're efforts! -The Lone Ranger

  7. i like the second one better i think. this mix is very peaceful yet, it has a fairly solid beat(with the help of the cymbals). its arrangement is good, but its not a song i would recomend to people who want "action style mixes" although it has kind of a beat, but not the "action" kind of beat( although i have no problem with peaceful mixes). there are a couple of minor bugs you could fix, even so it would definitely at least have a chance at being passed. mix had excellent quality. awesome mix! -The Lone Ranger

  8. to tell you the truth, i honestly did not hear anything familiar from any other song(it might just be me). its pretty good, but you might want to actually finish the mix( what i mean is, the ending doesnt really finish the song, its open ended) also, you might want to vary it, like more creative, add different paces throughout the song. throughout most of the mix it was "same old" and i think with a little work, you could easily make it more professional, it shows some promise. you're getting there, great job! -The Lone Ranger

  9. Its pretty good, but you might want to make it less chaotic and more harmonious. also, in a lot of WIPs i have reviewed, there is something missing, again I would recomend Shariq's (DarkeSword's) "Four Man Music Theory". usually the pianist is the problem( pianist meaning a barely hearable tune in the background, but the mix wouldnt sound the same without it) same in this one. in this mix, its a little better, but it is like nouns and pronouns, the noun is the real thing and the pronoun takes its place, there is something in the background but it sounds premature, underdeveloped, a cover up. you need something that really makes it go, something that sounds absolutely premium. pretty good mix otherwise, great job! -The Lone Ranger

  10. i like the second one better, it would have a good chance at being approved if you did these three things(maybe something else that im missing): you'll need to make it longer, this is no longer than about 1:20-1:30, also, there are somer bugs you should fix, some of the instruments sound choppy, not very noticable but, to the ocr judges it would be very detectable. it also feels like somethings missing, i would try to follow Shariq's(DarkeSword's) "Four Man Music Theory" if feels like the pianist is missing(no, it doesnt mean an actual piano playing) which is like something barely noticable, but would not be the same if you took it out, some string variation in the background it would really benefit from. great mix!

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