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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. The only reason I clicked on this remix was because it was new. I have never played Phantasy star, and was thinking this would be just a blow off song to listen to.

    I couldn't be more wrong.

    Upon getting less than halfway through the song, I decided that this was worth my time. Listening to it a second time, I decided that I needed to keep it. Listening to it a third time I decided that it was my top 5 count. I'm afraid to listen to it a forth time because I like all my final fantasy mixes at the top of my list.


    You have my praise, and my gratitude.

  2. Quite frankly I will say, and don't hate me for this, I didn't care for FFT too much. I got to the part where your party starts off poisoned and when I couldn't beat it, I put the game down as I picked up more modern games.

    And now the review..

    Whenever I click the download link for a song I always skip the intro and start roughly 1/3 of the way in. Then if I like that I will listen to the rest and then the whole again. If I don't like it, I will skip further ahead and then to random parts. I actually was going to turn off this song except for the fact that Antonio Pizza asked me to and I have enough respect for him as a person to listen all the way through. I am throughly glad that I did. One needs to listen to the whole thing to enjoy it. The ambiance created is simpilly incredible.

  3. I think Shadows of the Colossus has one of the best soundtracks out there. Hunting down those mountain sized beasts...and the musical score was incredable. Maybe "Peril Personified" or "Excitement!Danger!" tracks. The first is just a little too short for me so maybe it could be legnthened.

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