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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Mixing & Mastering
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Okay I will Edit: New Download link http://www.tindeck.com/listen/uhjj
  2. Download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/347152799/Final_Fantasy_-_Victory_Fanfare__WIP_Mix_.mp3 It has been a long time since I sended any remixes to OCRemix.. FLStudio 8 used I know that there must be something in this to be made better but I need opinions first
  3. http://www.mediafire.com/file/ynjnyorzq2y/FF9 Trance de Chocobo.mp3 I have been working on trance mix of Ukulele de Chocobo from FF9 so..how is it..?
  4. http://rapidshare.com/files/228814923/1_-_FF9_Victory_Fanfare__Trance_Mix_.mp3 I have been trying to remix victory fanfare from FF9 so..this is the result
  5. Download link http://rapidshare.com/files/200824504/You_re_Not_Alone___Endless_Blue_Ocean_Remix_1_.mp3 alrigth...my 4th or 5th remix of the same song.. is it any better then my previous remix?
  6. Download link http://rapidshare.com/files/195566807/You_re_Not_Alone___Ocean_Blue_Mix_.mp3 I worked really hard for this remix more relaxing and "ocean" like..hehe this needs work I know..but what is your opinion..?
  7. Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/192369546/You_re_Not_Alone___Terra_Mix_.mp3 I worked really hard for this remix I know this remix needs more work...but what do you think?
  8. Yes..this is hard song to remix =(
  9. http://rapidshare.com/files/165385632/1_-_You_re_not_alone__Soul_Energy_Mix_.mp3 FLStudio used I worked really hard for making this remix
  10. I have been tried to remix You're not alone this is try one http://rapidshare.com/files/160300027/FF9_You_re_not_alone_REMIX_Finished.mp3 if judges would listen this... Enjoy!
  11. NeoS.. I am waiting that remix... make it great and awesome remix Your Friend:Lindar
  12. NeoS =o Oh My God! your version is so nice! =O Why is this so short? can you make it longer? I have added you to my MSN.. come there and we can talk more =) Your Friend: Lindar "This is so beautiful remix NeoS...thank you please make it longer..*
  13. FF IX was my first Final Fantasy I have ever played and I loved it You're not alone must be remixed in here! to techno,trance or club mix (I love these genres a lot) can you do it? Your Friend: Lindar
  14. I have heard all "You're not alone) mixes in here.. And I want to hear something more cool and long remixes of that song Can you please make a trance,techno or club mix of it? Your Friend:Lindar
  15. I love this song!! My Absolute Favorite Track in FF9 You have so beautiful voice! Your friend: Lindar
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