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Everything posted by CallumM

  1. www.eventide.com Rubies of Eventide. Very cool free MMORPG. Well made. Certain skills aren't implemented (About two or three out of 51). Good community, so you get pretty much instant help with the /h help channel. They have a general server (phoenix), a roleplaying server (fireopals) and a completely PvP server (halberd). There's a cool language feature. You can set the language to speak in, and your words come out translated to that language, except to people who have a sufficient level in it. You start off fluent in two languages depending on your race. One is always Praxic (English). Anyway, it's just generally cool. You have day, night, weather, seasons and all that stuff, and there are big monsters to kill of course. And the three staple classes are there too; ranger, mage and warrior. Four if you count non-combat.
  2. Omega Metroid. I cannot say this with enough emphasis. Every single Metroid Fusion boss was harder than this guy.
  3. Maybe I'm just weird, but Jackle from NiGHTS made me cry. Several times. It was worse that he'd just laugh at me constantly, and the closer I got to him, the more chance I'd be hit by a card.
  4. Lavos in Chrono Trigger, at the ocean palace, the first time through. You're basically killed on his first attack, but it's possible to beat him there, I think. Pretty much impossible on the first run through though EDIT: Wait, was it the ocean palace? I'm pretty sure they'd moved the Mammon machine to the ocean palace.
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