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Posts posted by Rambo

  1. Smooth, Rambo, Real smooth. I could've had a baker's dozen of like minded allies, now all I have is a pedestrian regular dozen.

    God damnit man, I'm said SORRY! :-x

    I was thinking that perhaps, in the case of remix removals, there could be a period of the year in which all remix removals requested/in queue are removed from torrents and the site. That way the staff will only have to mess around the torrents ad the database once a year, sort of a lockdown.

    Genius. You're the balls.

    It seems like a pretty reasonable and fair solution.

  2. My 2 cents about the coffin, I don't know, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Sawyer. I mean no friends, no family, and Kate answering a clearly affected "why would I go see him"... why not. And tell if I'm wrong, but I think I've heard Jack saying to see his father "up there". That seems a lot like a subtle ambiguity that means a lot.

    I THINK, I heard Kate say "I have to go, he's gonna wonder where I am"

    I'm assuming that she was talking about Sawyer. If I did in fact hear that. I'll have to re-watch it. For the moment, Kroze has me convinced about Locke being in the coffin. ;-)Good point about the "up there" btw! Never thought about that.

  3. This is very cool. Thanks for the limited time offer Larry!

    I thought Rambo would've already been taken when I was signing up so I just tried it. But I had intended on it actually being Rambotnik. Now... I'm faced with a dreadful yet delightful decision. I've noticed Arek, Pzykotikfreak, and Atma. Who else has changed their names?

  4. Like I said in the comments thread, I wouldn't be able to accept the terms knowing that I couldn't have my work removed without consent. And by the sound of it, consent would likely not be delivered.

    I had just started remixing and was excited about potentially joining the community in the near future. I know my No won't mean much in terms of impact to the site since no one has any idea who I am, but I figure there may be others like me who would just opt not to vote thinking the same thing.

    In any case, I could personally want to have work removed for one of 2 reasons.

    Should I feel after a length of time that a past submission is a very poor representation of myself, I wouldn't want it displayed as such. The second is if I have serious problems regarding site management (or a member of). Similar to someone harassing management or attempting to hack, should a member of staff do something of the same degree it may lead to me not wanting association with the organization.

    I do think that should DJP feel that it is a very poor decision or not agree with the action at the time, he should hold the right to refuse future submissions.

    In any case, thanks for the opportunity to vote and discuss.

  5. I know I'm a nobody on these forums, but I thought I'd share that I personally find my interests conflicting when I see agreements like that. I've wanted to submit some art pieces on certain sites in the past but have opted not to because of similar contract details. I've been fiddling around with music programs and have wanted to join the remixing community, but that agreement threw me off a little. I'm a bit of a perfectionist.. and should I feel in a year that my first, or any contribution SUCKED and wasn't a good representation of my work, I wouldn't want it displayed as such.

    Anyway, I'm not suggesting what to do, because I'm sure a lot of work goes into integrating new additions onto the site (and removing), not to mention time on evaluation, but I wanted to let you know that it can certainly be a turn off.

    I like the idea that should the person abuse it (not have a good reason) that DJP should have the right to reject future submissions.

  6. It'd well up, but it'd be nothing compared to the flooding coming in through the window. Because the amount of water coming in is only enough to replace the air leaving. If you lose one cubic meter of air a second, you gain one cubic meter of water a second. One cubic meter's flow, spread over that whole pool, is next to nothing, they could've swum out easily. Chuck was a moron who didn't think straight.

    lol, fair enough.

  7. Only because that's how long they feel like they can milk it. A story about people who get in a plane wreck on an island shouldn't go past 1 season, but no now they're in a black whole with super powers getting food shipments.

    The series COULD'VE ended forever ago, but they just keep breathing more life into it. DBZ had a finite ending too, but that doesn't mean it didn't drag on for a ridiculously long time.

    ... If you've ever watched the show you'd know theres plenty of material to work with.

    It's not as though they've been living there for 20 years. Its been like.. 3 months? I don't know a single series that could NOT be wrapped up in a single season. But that wouldn't make for very much character or plot development.. let alone revenue.

    Unrealistic? Yeah. You're absolutely right. It's not a reality t.v. show. It's a sci-fi drama.

    It's not as though the all of a sudden



    Holy crap we ran out of ideas, lets add a monster!

    Ever since they got to the island things had been extremely strange. Within the first 5 episodes I think.. a guy who was paralyzed could walk, and there was some sort of beast in the forest. Things are changing... but no THAT drastically. They're discovering new weird shit. And most of all, things that weren't understood before are slowly being explained. Like those food shipments... they weren't food shipments... lol

    They were supplies left from the last inhabitants who were all slaughtered.

    Anyway, long post short, I'm glad they're ending it within the next 3 seasons.

    A 6 season tv show lifespan is relatively very short. they COULD milk it and make it longer... as you can do with anything else. But they're smart enough not to.

  8. Umm.. I'm no physicist... but wouldn't the water have flooded up though moon pool?

    This would've made it pretty damn hard to swim out of... that water level can't just stay there if the place isn't air tight. The majority of the water would've been spewing up, while the air was releasing through the broken window (and obviously a lot was coming through the window as well) so he probably did end up saving Desmond.

  9. I dont think this thread should exist without a 'WARNING POTENTIALLY HUGE SPOILERS' sign somewhere.

    hmm.. I think the title speaks for itself... but yes. It will be riddled with spoilers.

    I don't know why someone would click it who hasn't watched and doesn't want it spoiled.

    Huge spoilers or not... what could they possible read in a thread with that title that would not give something away? :-|

  10. anyone that watched lost season finale tonight have any good theories about whats happening?

    As much as I f***n love that show... This is SOOOO off topic. :-D

    I don't have anything to contribute to this thread either.. That's why I love that show. I never know what's happening till it's happening, and HOLY SHIT did it take me for a trip when i figured out they were future flashes. I'll definitely keep an eye on this.

  11. So.. I've been following this for a while. And yes, that means I'm ridiculously bored. But I was wondering... are all games being compared against one another to determine if they are "must haves"? Or are they relative to their platforms. There are many games that may not be superb rated next to a game on another console.. but for its platform might just be a "must have". I've seen a few comments that sounded as though it deserved a NO because it wasn't revolutionary... but was still one of the better games of its kind for its respective platform. If this has already been adressed.. I apologize for wasting the time of whoever reads this. :-D

  12. Says the guy with a Metroid sig... =/

    lol irony.

    I REALLY hope there's a lot of hybrid action in this game. That shit psyched me out back in the day in those bonus campaign missions. Still rocks my socks.

  13. I'm assuming by people's previously suggested lists that primarily multiplayer games aren't to be considered? The only one's I see are halo/halo 2 which have considerable story lines as well. There are some phenomenal games for mainly multiplayer purpose that retain a great replay value anytime people are in the numbers.

  14. Was I the only one who laughed at Toby's hair flip?

    About 80% of the crowd in the theater I was in laughed at that as well. >_o

    Anyone have any comments regarding the sound track? Nothing seemed too significant to me, but I only started paying attention to it half way through. And even then, I don't remember the second half very well.

  15. I found the movie to be very poorly done. It had no flow. It had no climax.

    Venom takes #1 spot for biggest villain letdown in movie history. I really enjoyed the first 2 movies, but around half way through this one I found myself checking my watch. I found the best action scene to be the first. Aside from the flying snowboard... I thought it was pretty good. It was the only one that captivated me though. The others seemed forced.

    I think Harry was undeniably the best character in this movie. If you're a comic/cartoon fan you'll very likely disagree with me, since I hear his role in the movie was COMPLETELY fabricated. But from an unbiased standpoint I found the guy who played Harry's character to do the best acting job, and his character as a whole stood out as the highlight of this film. They tried to do too much with this movie and it came off REALLY over the top. I was cringing and embarrassed over the course of MANY scenes.

    Thank God Bruce Campbell was in it for some comic relief.

    Thats likely the only scene I'll vividly remember. In retrospect, the acting all around in that scene pretty good.

    Anyway, I don't plan on re-watching this movie anytime soon, probably ever, but I still hope the series doesn't end on this note.

    EDIT: Just to clarify, while the dialog and scenarios, even atmosphere at time was incredibly dull or corny, I don't think any of the blame should fall on any of the actors. While acting at times seemed really questionable, I think it was very much the directing that made it such.

  16. I'm surprised the 600 AD music is still up, as kLuTz's site has been down for awhile...

    I have the Tale in Piano pdf, and I could send it to someone to host (just shoot me a PM) but be aware that both the 600 AD transcription and the tale in piano transcription DO have noticeable errors...if you have a good ear like me you can pick them out by comparing to the mp3 (though figuring out chords and lots of pedal 16ths by ear can be a -pain-) =p. I guess sometime I should make revised transcriptions of some of kLuTz's works--right now I'm using "modified" versions of other people's transcriptions (modified meaning I used a pencil to cross out and write in notes).

    Well I'm very glad you have it. If no one ever opts to host, could you send it to me?

    I don't suppose you have Cutman Sonata as well do you? 8O

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