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Posts posted by Makai

  1. My friend and I were trying to figure out what the Christian Holy Trinity's Holy Ghost was exactly. I then proceeded to try to explain it like the Triforce. Wisdom and Power, like Father and Son, pretty easy to get what powers they grant. But Courage, it's a little harder to understand.

    The Zelda series has evolved since the first game, but I think the game was initially supposed to be based on Indian culture. For instance, the currency is the Rupee, which is used in India. I think the Goddesses of the Triforce were based off of the Hindu "trinity."

    Shiva is like Din, the Goddess of Power (creating the landscape [possibly destroying Hyrule systematically to renew the Hylian race every once and a while]); Brahman is like Farore, the Goddess of Courage (producing people to inhabit Hyrule); Vishnu is similar to Nayru, Goddesses of Wisdom (creating law and order in the universe).

    I've never really understood what the Holy Ghost was supposed to be either. It's not talked about too much, aside from prayer.

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