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Everything posted by Feral-Fox

  1. I have been using this card, i agree it is no the best for music production for a few reasons but the coloring up only happens if you make set it up that way, you just shut off all the effects, crystalization and other options
  2. So, so very sorry for my abcence. School, and family issues. Along with having to do a pc format. The Song is fine, but most of my plug ins are gone, and i need to reinstall. What a pain >.< But pretty soon i am going to work on this again, but i may re eq most of the channels becouse complaints of mud on other things, as well as my over population of effect plugs. I have learned more and use less, so latency wont be that bad anymore.
  3. In all honesty, it needs super mastering and eq'ing job as it scratches at my ear drums. FL slayer probably is not the best vst plug to use for a guitar, but acually none are as good as a real one. Also It seems like a midi edit job.... If you wanted feedback I hope this does not bother you. 1 / 10
  4. Yeah that is my weakness. I always run out of ideas and end up scraping the whole project. I will have to think of more stuff to do. Thank you very much for the tip.
  5. I actually thought it was pretty good. It kinda made me sit back, relax, and listen. At the slow down, around 0:56 it could use some work, basically what catches my ear is the drum loop that is used, its not to....smooth, its like its to short and delayed when the next loop is played. Its kinda hard to explain. Other than that, Great work
  6. Hey, well I am pretty new at VG remixing but i wanted to do it. It's a DnB remix if volcano valley from Sonic 3D blast. It would be pretty cool if I could get a little feedback to help improve on the track. And yes don't be alarmed by the short length, it is a WIP after all ^^ Update #1 www.feral-fox.com/wip/demo1.mp3 Update #2 www.feral-fox.com/wip/demo2.mp3 I fixed the levels a bit, added a few FX like a downlifter near the end. I also lowered a bit of the overdrive on the bass
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