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Everything posted by Vess

  1. My favorite WC2 song... I love you. I can't really offer advice. Just support. I'd like a little more of the souce track translated. Specificly the strings from the 4th iteration of the theme.
  2. Well if no one else is interested then thats it. If you come accrossed this message in the old forums and wish to contact me I'm at vessboy@yahoo.com
  3. They're doing a real good job. I can't wait to play it.
  4. Sorry About that death stuff. You'll notice that it was started by me. Also I have Started It back up. I have Inspired meny of the Team back into action Including all key staff. We are just more keen to Instant messengers.I love your Orc Sketch And would love to see more like it. Now as sure as My name is Nathan Talmage Vess, This mod "Will" Be compleated. Nothing will Bar my Way, Even If I have to learn to wright Music my self! Dawn Of Chaos Will LIVE!
  5. This is more of a personal request. My favorite track And I'm interested in what ever artistic renditions your capable of. I love this song especially the part near the end. And it's whole atmosphere is sad. Morn full and cumbersome. This song chronicle's the vigilance of the humans campaign. depressing and slow, with many layers to it all giving the same message; its tough but keep going. I love this song.
  6. "Warcraft: orcs and humans" Human 3 Please?
  7. http://realmdesign.rampagingpolygons...iler_Large.zip The Dawn of Chaos!
  8. The Mod directer In all his majesty is making a Demo video today. I will post it when its done. Unfortunate we have no warcraft themed music to use.
  9. I could do worse. You want me to stop? Find some artists who will aid me!
  10. Yes, This project must meet as many talented eyes as possible. Would you consider? I'm pationate and ungifted, I will do what i can!
  11. Never you mind about this mod's longevity. What's important is that the Music of Warcraft gets the attention it deserves. Sil All liberties are yours, have fun, But for it to be used It has to be good and in keeping with the theme. Is there none who will rise to the call?!
  12. http://forum.rampagingpolygons.com/index.php?board=7.0 I also happen to be this mod's most convincing voice actor. http://www.mediafire.com/?59filgfpajg I personally look forward to the recreation of Human 3. Alot of really nice suddleties.
  13. I am a Huge fan of the OCRemix community and the beautiful fruits it bears. I come to you as a representative of the "Dawn of Chaos" team to formally request your talents. DOC is a remake of the original "Warcraft: Orcs and Humans" story on to the WC3 engine. Unfortunately We have been unable to find an independent musician to recreate for us the powerful and atmospheric music of the original.It is our Goal to have a complete sound track. Here's where you come in. I ask that If there is any artist who can do this game justice with their talents Please come forward. A zip file with midi's of the original tracks is download able at this link http://www.mediafire.com/?9mvijzgj99y How ever if you decide to take this torch, I'd recommend Finding and listening to the wave or Mp3 tracks.
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