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Posts posted by Fratto

  1. If I'm not the target audience for SciFi and Adult Swim anymore then what on Earth am I the audience for?

    It's like I enjoy TVLand and Nick at Nite more than anything else on TV right now.

    I think Conan O'Brien is the only thing geared towards my audience.

  2. The same reason why groups of film people always seem to travel in packs.

    Tim Burton can write for Depp and Johnny will know exactly what Burton wants. Then I imagine that Elfman will do the music because Danny already knows what Burton wants just by reading the script.

    Then after the movie he'll need a group that he's comfortable with to run a train on HBC. You can't have that kind of chemistry with just any film group.

  3. So, I looked around on youtube and in my personal music collection for music from western games, and to my surprise most of them have that Japanese sound too! The only soundtracks that stand out as being obviously North American are rock oriented ones (Command & Conquer for example, or liscensed soundtracks), NARPGs with atmospheric soundtracks (Diablo, Oblivion) and games with super cinematic music (Prey, Killzone, etc).

    That's because this whole thing is silly. They're going to accuse him of having Japanese sounding music, but they Japanese music they're accusing him of sounding like uses synths and Western instruments based on a set of mostly Western of harmonics.

    Yeah, Strike, it sounds like your music is ripped off of the Japanese music that was ripped off of Western music. The complaint is lame.

  4. Unlike Artesu, I am not equipped with aliases for my aliases. So I just use Fratto.

    ...or Brian Fratto.

    Except for when some bastard got it before me in the mid-nineties and I had to be Fratteau. Ugh.

  5. I wouldn't care if it were Paul McCartney delivering the vocals, I just have an adverse reaction to arrangements of instrumental tracks that tack on vocals for the sake of conforming to a societal craving for lyrical music. Mining Melancholy = Rap? Are you serious?

    A jazz arrangement? I can see that. A latin arrangement? Sure, it fits. Rap? Where in the good name of David Wise did that idea stem from? Next, let's transform the Flying Krock music into a romantic pop ballad.

    I want Paul McCartney to sing Flying Krok as a ballad. Someone get on the phone to England.

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