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Posts posted by 227

  1. All throughout, I kept thinking that my biggest problem was that it was a mundane and repetitive, and I needed to do whatever I could to spice it up.

    Too much variation tends to make it all sound the same. The average listener ends up having to pay so much attention to the movement of the music that the subtleties that differentiate each instrument and section are often lost. Variation of the movement of each section is just as important as variation to keep the sections themselves interesting.

  2. Not too bad. Variation is good in certain doses, but there's a bit too much variation throughout the song. It gets to be grating by the end. I'd take a bit of variation away from the lead and add some more to the drums during the more upbeat parts, if only to make the song as a whole a bit more memorable. Right now so many things are happening all at once it's hard to latch onto something specific to remember. This might also benefit from a little electric guitar here and there, but that's more of a personal preference than an actual suggestion...

  3. You, my friend, have excellent taste in games/game music. I'm unfamiliar with this source though - maybe you could post a link to the original for comparison?

    Commenting on this as if it were an original, I'll say that it's too repetitive. The hip hop section is good at breaking that up a bit, but the chord progression remains unchanged throughout the entire mix.

    Another thing - it's too short. I'd be surprised if you can get a mix that short by the judges successfully, especially given the genre.

  4. The original:

    click here to download 00-green-earth.mp3

    Bam. I'm a helpful fellow, I am. Now then, the vibraphone solo at :42 is a good thing. The fake choir sound that comes and goes is a bad thing.

    The lead at :54 is too mechanical and sticks out more than it probably should as a result. The switch to slower sections like at 1:06 is bit jerky, but I think that problem will disappear once the lead is humanized.

    I'd like to see you throw a flanger or phaser on that choir. Might be interesting...

  5. One reason u might not have been getting any hits is because ur using file factory

    This is true.

    Anyway, outside of the already-mentioned lack of originality there's not much to say other than it doesn't really go anywhere. It plots along and, though the tempo changes and some different things come and go, it feels very much the same throughout the entire song. Nothing that really stands out or leaves a lasting impression once it's finished. There's more in the way of dynamics than in your previous WIPs, but it's still not enough...especially given the fact that you've kept it in the same style as the original. Change the genre or something, take some chances. It's progress, but there's still a long road ahead.

    ....and it needs a real ending.

  6. I'm picturing industrial drums playing some kind of pseudo-hip hop beat and guitar power chords over this. The piano would need some serious reverb, and maybe some kind of a ping-pong delay...but this is severely underdeveloped at the moment. 58 seconds of two instruments playing without any musical context around them probably isn't the ideal time to post. Develop it some more and see where it goes.

  7. It's empty, mostly cacophonous, and ridiculously repetitive. I highly doubt this is salvageable. I don't mean to be rude, but it hurts to listen to it. Occasional cacophony works in certain contexts, but there's no context at all here. Just clashing notes at seemingly random points, which is unjustifiable if you haven't established any kind of coherent musicality around it.

  8. Does anyone even care to try?

    People 'round these parts are afraid of having to read more than they have to. Your first post is subsequently quite fearsome.

    If you know some things that are wrong with it already, why don't you fix those things before asking around?

  9. I think the arrangement itself is pretty good

    Maybe the rearrangement (I wouldn't know), but the arrangement itself leaves a lot to be desired. There's no buildup, no climax, no real ending...I had this on loop for ten minutes before I realized that none of those things were ever coming and that it had been looping continuously. It's just background music at this point, reflux. Stylistically, there's nothing that stands out and commands the listener's attention. There are several different sections with the same intensity (virtually none), so if I were you I'd listen to some of the music that's been posted and try to pick up on how the different sections vary to keep things interesting, then attempt to replicate it.

    the low-quality sounds are supposed to be there... That's why I called it 60s Black & White World to suggest that you're in the 60s ^^

    I could write an incoherent vocal piece that makes people's ears bleed and call it "drunk in an alley", but there's no way I'd be able to get away with it. Either that's a lame excuse or a gimmick at the expense of quality. Either way, you're going to need some better-quality sounds. Theme is no substitute for sound quality.

  10. DA, i dont think it would be a bad idea to have someone redo the track. they could keep the same style and basic arrangement if you want them too. and you could still give efields credit as a remixer.

    Basic arrangement sure, but it shouldn't be the same style. It's her decision, but I think DA should provide a link to the vocal track when she's happy with it and let a few different people try to rework the song around it in whatever genre they want. That would be interesting, to say the least. Might end up with something amazing in a style she wouldn't have considered otherwise.

  11. I was on board with this until 1:40. After that it seemed almost like you were selling out your style. The stuff before that point would go really well with the kind of sound you achieve in your other projects, and I'd recommend mixing it with that instead of the techno synth thing.

  12. No vox from you on this one? :P

    Nope. I've managed to catch every sickness known to man. Still fighting off the tuberculosis and bubonic plague, you know?

    Anyway, this song is dead. Same with the other one. Hard drive failure coupled with utter apathy will do that. There's no point posting comments on 'em anymore, so please don't.

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