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Everything posted by KiroiKiri

  1. Anybody still playing? (Now that I can actually play again...)
  2. Dark and uncomfortable...
  3. Someone told me they were trying to add Sonic to the game. Anybody know anything about that?
  4. Happy birthday Zircon, and many more years of music. I can't believe I'm older than you too...
  5. I've been thinking about buying. What's the final verdict for those of you that are already playing it?
  6. Happy Birthday Pixie, enjoy your drinks zircon....fishybean????
  7. I wish it was caffeine:sleepdepriv: since I just wasted a few hours where I should've been working on homework for tomorrow...
  8. Woa...fast and easy service. Thanks for the welcome Kai. I'll definitely be there on Friday.
  9. Hey everyone. I've been a lurker on the forums for about a year now and have been listening to everyone's music for even longer. This Diablo league was the final push I needed to actually register, so is it cool if I join up? I have no idea how to use IRC chat and this is the first forum I've actually joined ( noob = me). I have ventrilo though and I'd be up for playing on the weekends and occasionally during the week when school isn't killing me. I'll be KiroKiri on battlenet too.
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