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Posts posted by tyrog

  1. do you understand the whole judging process? once the judges make a decision, it'll either get posted or it'll be rejected. it doesn't happen as fast as it used to, so be prepared to wait for a bit.

    however, if you want to try to make this mix up to OCR standards, then you can look here for feedback

    Ah, ok, I got it. The mix I posted anyway was supposed to be submitted at OLRemix, since it should be quite funny. I don't mean submit to OCRemix

    If I'll improve so well, I could catch to consider to submit something at OCRemix

  2. You're aware this is an OLR sub, right?

    Yes, I am, I suceeded to register myself at OLRemix and I submitted there, then I've been redirected here for the feedback. But I guess it needs some work before to be accepted, right?

    Currently I have few time to work on it (moreover it's very old...), meanwhile I could try submit something more recent and well-finished

  3. I was just wondering if there were any Song remix's out there for the level's Lockjaws Locker (1-4) and Kannons Klaim (2-2)?

    If I simply passed over them, please Disreguard this and point me in the right direction. If not, Is there anyone out there that knows of any artist's that are planning on Remixing?

    Thanks for all the help!

    PS: I am aware that I posted 'konk' instead of 'Kong' Sorry >.<

    I know there are these mixes (or WIPs, I guess):

    Lockjaw's Locker remixes

    Facelessman - Lockjaw's Legacy

    MCGerkin - Lockdown

    Kannon's Klaim remixes

    Kabuki Dude - Kannon's Prospekt

    EazyP- Getting Down the Mines

    Hadyn - Mine Brawl

    Terminator - The Kremling Apocalypse

    CC Ricers - Digging Deeper

    Pocketman - The Golden Echo

    Tomoko Kazuki - Melodious Mine Shaft

    If you want them, ask me ;)

  4. qpwe

    Kinda old. I meant to submit at OLRemix, but registration is not possible: e-mail addresses are preventively banned (I don't understand).

    This is somewhat a funny remix of Rocky Valley Theme (Stage 8) from Donkey Kong (i.e Mario vs Donkey Kong, Game Boy Color).

    The acronym M.O.R.B means Middle Ocean Rift Basalts, these are pillow lavas forming on ocean's floor (all about volcanology I study hehehe). Instead here M.O.R.B means Mario On Rift Basalts; indeed Mario is chasing the ape and gets often scorched as stomps on red-hot lavas uuuh!!!

    He suceeds to let a volcanic vent explode too....:lmassoff:

    Feedback would be appreciated

  5. I'm not sure you've realised this, so I'm just gonna tell you right now just to make sure you know:

    This will never be an Official OCR Remix project, and it will not be featured or associated by the staff if it was completed.

    It's not important. It's just-for-fun project, we do not expect an official title from OCRemix

    This is simply because it is far too reliat on non-VGM sources to have anything to do with the mission statement of the site, which is about spot-lighting the talent of VGM composers, not spot-lighting rammstein. Bluntly put, this isn't really the place to be running this project.

    Not necessarily. VGM composers talent is used to blend Rammstein sounds with VG Music (not necessarily vocals). I saw many would like to take part, but not at once due to current remix projects

  6. Ok, I got actually there are too many remix projects and this one may encumber the WIP forum. Anyway I'd like to post some projects. These don't bound anyone at the moment, they're just freely posted :nicework:

    I hope there could take part more remixers to it (Actually three or four, I dunno exactly, I didn't numbered myself....)


    The VG Music-Rammstein Remix project lacks of a German-sounding name and maybe there could be multiple sbubprojects dedicated to a single videogame or an only one related to multiple games (I think this one is more likely).

    However we should focalize which Rammstein tracks we mean to remix or even rearrange and if to add vocals or simply play the music (i.e make instrumentals).

    Instrumentals may sound easier to render, anyway I experienced the Russian remixer Orcman's works with Till Lindemann's vocals and playback rearranged Rammstein music with various theme-variations and music style: simply awesome! :-o


    He did two remix albums: Contemporaneity (2004) and Die Wasserreise (2004-2005), plus some unofficial fan edition single in the same year (Stein um Stein Unofficial Single and Mein Teil Fan Edition). These are the best well-finished remixes ever posted in the web and actually very very hard to find (I've luckily got all of them) :lol:.

    On the other hand there are Muffin.ru remixes too. So are these well-done and many consist in mash-ups with Russian pop music. I forgot to mention MCBeaver works (nice but a bit to dancey); good instrumentals though.

    Anyother Rammstein remix you can find on the web is fan and homemade stuff and does not sound so good.

    Now, what have we to do? Something special. To blend Rammstein music with Videogame music!!


    I'm working on this. I will post the logo at my website http://jurassic-gothic.deviantart.com . Any other digital-made logo suggested is welcome.


    Well, I should not post this discussion due to forum's current status (quite empty), but since the project is not open and there's still not any forum taken for this, I freely post some vague ideas of a likely tracklist.

    The question is: do we want remix well-known Rammstein tracks like Sonne, Du Hast or Amerika? Or do we want remix lesser tracks like Schwarzes Glas, Bestrafe Mich or Morgenstern but getting awesome rendering? Or both? (I guess this last is better...)

    We'll decide this as possible.

    Meanwhile I'd have some ideas I wanna post here below. I say I mean to take Kokain and maybe Stripped at once.

    Moreover we have to extablish which game we wanna blend with R+ music

    A vague tracklist is available here (it will be updated very often I guess):

    Red - Taken

    Black - Open

    1) Rammstein

    2) Spieluhr

    3) Morgenstern

    4) Kokain - (Biotoxic Remix) (Metal Slug 6) [taken by Tyrog]

    5) Spiel mit Mir

    6) Du Hast

    7) Sonne

    8 )Mein Teil

    9) Asche zu Asche

    10) Ich Will (Legato Blues Remix) (Trigun) [taken by Tyrog]

    11) Du Riechst So Gut

    12) Zerstoren

    13) Reise, Reise

    14) Stein um Stein

    15) Nebel

    Bonus Tracks:

    16) Schwarzes Glas

    17) Wilder Wein

    18 )Rosenrot

    19) Ich Will

    20) Amerika

    We could even make more than one disk as I saw at Sonic & Knuckles - Project Chaos.This tracklist is very temporary and it will be well-finished as more remixers will take part to the project as possible.


    Feedback is welcome! ;-)

  7. The remix you posted was pretty good... the vocals were a bit off as I'm familiar with them from the original music and they arn't really related to the source material o_0

    Cold prove neat... however I do agree there are far too many current projects right now... wait a 'lil while

    Thanks. Indeed should I take a forum to not emcumber OCRemix's one? :roll:

    And are you interested to the project (even if not immediately)?

  8. I right-clicked the waveform and saved as a .wav, but where do I check vocals?

    Have you got WAVE STUDIO? It's the easiest program to check wave file, insert dissolvence, loud volume, cut and paste vocals (after selection) etc...

    I have currently an old version of that, try to check out the new version if available 8)

    Anyway, have you already some remix concept? I would like take Kokain to remix (and Stripped too perhaps) and blend it with Metal Slug 6 soundtracks. And you? :roll:

  9. Please, no more remix projects right now, I think there is at least 10 right now, and it's stretching the community too thin.

    But I do like the idea, and you did just introduce me to a awesome group, so thanks for that.

    I think it needs to wait a little bit until there are less projects going on.

    So to do not encumber the forum, should I open a forum? :whatevaa:

    If so I can do it.:-)

    Do you want take part to project anway?:roll:

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