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Posts posted by earliani

  1. So I busted out tha NES and beat another great classic. Castlevainia the original.

    On tha way to through, past Frankinstien and his punk-ass monkey, the music for the Grim Reeper really had me jammin. So I couldn't help my self.

    If you know any1 who says they beat the game with out cheap saves (ME lol) there either bullin' or played 100 times in a row. I challenge anyone to produce a Castlevainia speed run video. I love NES.


  2. OK now that I've found a better host (hopefully) I want to show you all my newest

    MM2 Remix, Flash Man. I'm not sure if it's legal but I mixed the 'CAPCOM Splash'

    (the sound you hear while loading most CAPCOM games) in it. This is also going onto the promotional DVD I was telling you about in the Crash Man post. It's still not equalized or close to being recorded but feedback would be greatly appretiated.

    (No mastabatory ego stroking LMAO)


  3. This will be used as the theme song for my group 10 Crown's next promotional DVD, Hata Man X. It's a tribute parody of the greatest game of all time - Mega Man 2.

    We depict all of our nemisis as Hata Man. (kinda like Mega Mans full of $Hi+ cousin)Premission from CAPCOM pending. For a draft preview of the opening credits go to http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=2013197702

    The track is a rap instrumental for seven people so its a bit long. It's also a rap instrumental so it's a little repetitive too lol. It is a feel good anthem about,

    you guessed it . . . haters


    With some very good advise from Big Giant Circles and a few others, this beat went from the pooper to pretty phat. Please let me know of any suggestions or peeves you have with it because it's not yet recorded.

  4. OK look I got fuity loops 3 and sound forge I'm a caveman. (I didn't even know how to put the song on the post) All I wanted was feedback on what I need to do, not a pwning from a couple douches on this message board. But since everyone is enjoying big giant circlular balls, now I'm gettin some actual feedback -

    everyone thinks it sucks - and its cool

  5. this would be "simply telling you why" my "track is not very good at this point, and some measures that might be taken to help it out"

    Too much reverb on the snare/clap. Overall "hip hop beat" is really really dull, dry, boring, simplistic, ect. Not trying to sound negative, just being honest. There's absolutely no groove, funk, or motion. Although I don't listen to that much hip hop, I think there's really not much about your loop sequencing that makes it really stand out or qualify as hip hop. I'm just trying to picture rap lyrics, or perhaps imagine this theme being played at a club... and it's... just... not... working...

    There's also a substantial amount of clipping--that's gotta go. Pretty novice production at this point, you need to address that. The main thing I would suggest are completely rebuilding your drum loops from the ground up. Kill the reverb. Pay attention to the volume on individual one-shots. Good luck.

    but, If you're trying to belittle me or what I DO, then whatever. If you're just making jokes and normally a prick, then its cool.

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