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Sam Dillard

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Posts posted by Sam Dillard

  1. Hi everyone, just wanted to announce that there has been a new album addition released called Corrupted Souls:

    It was going to be included in Metroid Cinematica but due to time constraints had to be released as a stand-alone piece. It is technically part of the album, and features the themes of Dark Samus and the Hunters from Metroid Prime: Corruption, it's available now: https://loudr.fm/release/corrupted-souls/fVbsx

    Thanks for listening! :)

  2. Sam, definitely make your album at least $1 per song. You're worth it!! I'll purchase a copy day one.

    We still get a small amount of traffic on Metroid Reorchestrated so I'll make sure to plug your album once you release it.

    Awesome, thank you! :D Now I'm just hoping I can actually get it done in October... *sigh*

  3. Hehe... must have been a slow day at google news XP

    The album would be around five bucks or so, I'm still considering making it totally free to download and hope that a few people will contribute, but I'm pretty broke at the moment and would like to continue with a series of albums after this, so we'll see...

  4. A full-length fan album composed by Sam Dillard which envisions the music of the Metroid series as a film score, blending symphonic and electronic elements into a rich cinematic soundscape, from the classics on NES and Super Nintendo to the recent Prime trilogy. Return to planet Zebes and beyond in the definitive "epic" score inspired by the legendary music from Kenji Yamamoto's Metroid soundtracks!

    Available October 2014 on Loudr, iTunes, and more. Track previews up at the official site: www.samostudios.com/metroidcinematica


    Thanks for listening!

  5. eternityrisingwebposter.jpg

    Howdy y'all, just wanted to post about my new Kickstarter album, Eternity Rising!

    For those of you who liked my Metroid work in the Harmony Of A Hunter albums, this will have a similar tone albeit more film-score oriented.

    And it's not just a music album, it's going to have a visual aspect as well with a lot of 3D animation and a longer music video finale.

    Also, if there are any Legend Of Zelda fans out there, as part of a collaboration with the upcoming Super Smash Bros. album,


    backers can get an early release of my new Dark World symphony piece as a bonus, for folks who are into that sort of thing :)

    But yeah, that's it for my plug, please check it out if you have the time and spread word if you can, any help is greatly appreciated! :)


  6. Thanks for the replies guys. My previous remix took about 6 months to be on the site after the direct-post email, so I gave it that much time and waited a few more months. And since 101% Run was about to be released, I just wanted to make sure that my stuff hadn't been forgotten or deleted by voodoo server magic, ya know ;)


  7. About a year ago I submitted two remixes (Into The Green World & Mission Complete: Ending Suite) which were marked as direct-posted in the reply I received, but I had not seen any updates, and they weren't in the up-coming list and etc. I emailed about it a few days ago, but got no response.

    So not really sure what the deal is... I was hoping they would be on here by the time of the Harmony Of A Hunter 101% album launch in November, as I submitted them a year ago. It would be cool to know what is going on and stuffs... :?:



  8. Well, in point of fact, the "Lazarus Pit" moniker for the prison in the movie would indeed be appropriate because those who are thrown into the pit are basically there to die... both in body and spirit. By Bruce Wayne ascending the pit successfully, he has been resurrected- in body and spirit, and a new lease on life enabling him to face Bane

  9. I just watched the video.

    You shoud definitely submit Into The Green World to OCR as well although it's already in Harmony of a Hunter. It's such a fantastic piece of music. By submitting it to OCR people who haven't downloaded Harmony of a Hunter yet will be able to listen to it as well. Besides, it's just another good reason for them to get HOAH.

    Hehe thanks, ok I will submit it right now then! Look out for it in about oh... 8 months? >_<

  10. Hehe, well the trumpet section was kind of an afterthought really, I just wanted something bright to help add some contrast at the end. The whole song could have been better honestly, but it was just a quick spur-of-the-moment idea piece. Nice to know you enjoyed it though! :)

    I thought about submitting my other (less crappy) song, Into The Green World, but it would have taken too long.

    So if you want to hear more, and see a little animated vid I put together for it, then please take a look at this:


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