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Sam Dillard

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Posts posted by Sam Dillard

  1. Why thank you. :)

    I wouldn't compare your style to Hans Zimmer, but that's because you both have styles of your own. The fact that I'm comparing you to Hans Zimmer boggles my mind.

    I've seen the video. It's very impressive animation... was that by you too? I wish I could replicate that. In the mean time, I'm uploading my own video to my new YouTube profile (so it's not empty).

    Actually, one last question: Could you help me design my own website? Kind of random, I know. I've been meaning to do this for some time, and you seem to know what you're doing with your site.

    Yep, I made the vid and animation, minus the Other M footage at the end.

    Hehe, well I can do website design though it's not my preferred work, and at the moment I have a few projects to finish up but perhaps in the near future I can look into helping you out with a site. At a mere cost of 99 rupees plus 10 Gold Skulltula Tokens.

  2. Huh. That's kind of a compliment in its own way, so thanks. :)

    I enjoyed your track quite a lot :mrgreen: Though admittedly I have a bit of a soft spot for piano solos. And also, how dare you insult Disney by referencing my ending music like that! :-P

    When I think Disney, I think Hans Zimmer... hehe

    Speaking of the Ending Suite though, I uploaded it to Youtube with a bit of video. I posted this already (http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36378) but I figured I'd mention it here too :)

  3. Wasn't sure where to post this, but I guess I'll post it here. I uploaded a video version of the Ending Suite to Youtube, nothing much just a film-ish edit with some footage and etc.

    For anyone who's interested:

    I'm working on another vid for The Green World track, with actual CG animation as an intro, just for fun and lulz and whatnot.

    Anywho, would be happy to know what y'all think :)!!


  4. http://www.gamesare.com/music/GalacticWarriorGirl.mp3

    Okay, here is my Samus Aran- Galactic Warrior score. I kept overloading my computer and had to restart like 1,000,000,000 times making this, but I finally got it the way I wanted it to sound.

    Basically, if I were to make a serious big budget Hollywood Metroid film, this is how I would do the score. Hopefully, if y'all think it is okay enough, I will try posting it (if not, it will have to remain here cuz I ain't going back and editing this resource eating monster anymorez!)

    Anywho, thanks for listening :)

  5. Well I wasn't trying to make a 'sound upgrade' or anything, it was just a spur of the moment song as I always do original stuff and I just felt like making a super metroid track, lol.

    I understand all sides of the issue, though. Right now I am working on a new one based on the Galactic Warrior track which hopefully turns out okay.

  6. Doh, I thought soundfonts were something else not just a replacement set of crappy midi instruments! lol I guess I been living in a cave too long.

    Heh, well I love Super Metroid and I remember all the music from the game, as it is with most games that I like a lot. To be honest, I don't own a single game soundtrack other than Ocarina of Time and Lunar The Silver Star Story- both of which came with the games when I got em, lol.

    Anyways, I was unable to open the rsr file (never heard of that format) but I think I know which track you are talking about- the cool one when you are on the surface where your ship is after the rain and also at the end of the game when you get the rainbow gun?

    You want me to do it so you can steal it and sell it for crack right? (hehe)

    Okay, I will try and make it more in my own style this time around, as nobody around here likes da original stuff lol! I guess I will just post it here then, rather than getting another rejection email hehe

  7. Hmm I see... well actually the entire song was composed from scratch in cubase, I have never seen any of the original music. But I like the metroid tunes so I tried to come up with something that sounded close, though I doubt I got it 'note for note' as I was just going off memory from the game's music plus I knowingly made some changes.

    Anywho, sorry tis not more original, someone suggested that I post it here so I said sure why not, lol. But I don't really like mutilating themes and music or adding a 'techno beat' to stuff I enjoyed as it originally was. To me, doing that is not a remix but rather an original composition inspired by a previously composed source. Ah well I guess, thanks for the input though and for clearing things up!

    btw, what exactly is a soundfont? I use my keyboard mostly and some vst's, I have heard people mention soundfonts for a long time but don't know what it means, I know it has something to do with midi though.

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