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Posts posted by Kizyr

  1. i have an english project due and i have to write some kind of poem or story to music. its called a mood piece and just wanted to know of some really good pieces on here. Thanks!

    Obvious mention goes to:

    Wild Arms - A Symphonic Tale, performed by the University of Manitoba Orchestra

    Another (two) of my favorites are:

    Metal Gear Solid - Legend of the Snake 2: Snake versus Dragon &

    Metal Gear Solid - Legend of the Snake

    Then of course, there's the Chrono Symphonic and Kong in Concert albums. KF

  2. I agree with this message, especially when you compare them to stuff released at the same time.

    I think the main thing is just to figure out if a particular game is fun or not. So what if some people would rate it more highly than it might deserve? It shouldn't affect how good the game itself actually is.

    As far as "overrated" games go, there are some I like (Halo), some I don't like (FF7), and some I didn't like at first but now really do (FF6). I remember DKC as being pretty fun. I don't care about collecting everything, but I enjoyed playing it. It wasn't the best game for the SNES or particularly groundbreaking, but I still liked it. KF

  3. Aw, I was added to the first post. I feel better now.

    As an aside, if anyone is a fan of the Lunar series, check the errata sheet in case we managed to get our Lunar panel in. (It won't overlap the OCR panel if it's there.) We sort of missed the deadline for panels and got waitlisted. But on the chance that we're in, it should be pretty good--it's gone really well the last two years we had it.

    Hope to see some of y'all there!

    See you losers at the con. Buy my art in the art show!

    Do you sign it as Sindra or anything else identifiable? KF

  4. It occurs to me that no one yet has mentioned:

    Ecco the Dolphin (both Genesis and Sega CD--different soundtracks)

    Ecco 2: Tides of Time (both Genesis and Sega CD--again, different soundtracks)

    To me, these two games had the best soundtrack of any Sega CD game. It's all incredibly great ambient music that really got you into the scenery of each of the levels. And yeah, the Genesis and Sega CD soundtracks are completely different, since they were really trying to take advantage of the SCD's sound capabilities when they released it. KF

  5. As I already said, unless there are existing arrangements with space available, I'm just going to drive. Reason being: a new hotel room, if you can even find one close enough to bother, will be ridiculously expensive.

    There should still be hotels/motels available along I-95 between BWI and Baltimore itself. Anything along that way isn't going to be more than a 20 minute drive (except during rush hour) to get to the BCC.

    Of course, driving up there from where I live just takes an hour. I recommend doing that if you're less than 90 minutes away and don't plan on going to any really late-night events (midnight or later). Otherwise, like you said, a hotel room simply isn't worth it.

    I gave a recommendation in my last post for a garage. Last I recall, they charge $10 a day. KF

  6. I think it's ok overall, but the thing that struck me the most was that the piano part sounded a bit too cluttered. This may be a personal thing, since I tend to find the sound of more than two 'hands' on a piano rather... crowded. I'm not much of a musician, but my first instinct would be to find another instrument that doesn't sound like it's overrunning the piano part; but, someone like Progressive would probably be able to give you a lot more concrete ideas.

    EDIT: Sort of ninja-d in there. Yeah, if the higher piano parts were softened it might reduce the cluttered sound I was describing. KF

  7. Yeah, I remember hearing the first 15 seconds of both ROMance and Breathing You In and thinking that might be a real handicap this time around. I tend to listen to the first 10-20 seconds and then skip to the middle to hear how it sounds later on, but, I don't imagine most folks do that.

    I do like the judging system overall (particularly the "battle" setup, as it encourages a lot more honest assessments), but I think songs with really good lyrics are at a bit of a disadvantage. I can't think of any way around that, though. Also, by the finals stage, a good portion of it I think ends up being genre vs genre.

    It's also interesting to note that Daniel Palmer, one of the OurStage staff members, said that honest voting increases influence. In other words, voting just SAME on everything and BY FAR for certain songs means your votes don't count as much. He elaborated more, but basically said you need to thoughtfully listen to all songs, have preferences, and be honest. Perhaps it detects if you are obviously favoring a single song over and over?

    As a statistician I'd be a bit interested in knowing more about this (though for obvious reasons I wouldn't expect him to divulge too much detail). It sounds like a way of weighting someone's votes based on how they tend to vote in general. So if you just vote at the extremes one way or the other, your votes could have a lower weight; if you use the middle categories more, then voting for the extreme ends would carry more weight.

    HotOrNot actually uses a similar algorithm to correct for people's voting styles. KF

  8. Free beta testing from the general public, then the developers maybe troll popular web forums (like this one) where they're mentioned, see what we think about them and secretly work on a way to improve based on our inadverdent feedback, I assume.

    That sounds like the only reasonable basis for doing this. It gives a pretty good corpus of more realistic searches. If that's the case, the first kinds of results they'll work on improving will be results for things people search for the most often.

    That might explain Asaudan's unexpected blowjob result. KF

  9. If you're limiting it to 8-bit, then the only soundtracks I can come up with are:

    Mega Man 2

    Mega Man 3

    Zelda II (game wasn't great, but the Temple theme was)

    Cheetahmen II

    If you're expanding it to anything, then I have a few other ideas:

    Albert Odyssey (Saturn) - really great; all live instruments

    Lunar: The Silver Star (Sega CD) - mostly short themes, all good

    Lunar: Eternal Blue (Sega CD, preferably) - favorite soundtrack in general

    Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom, Playstation, GBA)

    Sonic CD (Sega CD, of course)

    A few that a lot of other folks will probably mention anyway:

    Chrono Trigger

    Radical Dreamers

    Final Fantasy X


    Wild Arms 1-3


  10. Has anyone else found Cuil to be horribly slow?

    I'm willing to give any other search engine a test-drive and the benefit of the doubt at first. I mean, I've liked Google since almost the beginning (shortly after snap.com I think), and it's just gotten better; so another search engine might do it. Not to mention that it's still free to use any search engine you want.

    But, searching Cuil was ridiculously slow for me. I just tried a couple of words here and there and, besides the results not being as useful as what Google would give, it took 10 times as long for any individual search to go through. Maybe I'll try it again, but for now I'll stick with Google.

    I agree, the name is kind of a loser from a marketing standpoint. When you have to explain how to pronounce it you lose steam imho. I really don't like the layout either - it looks like a wall of advertisements to me. I will say though that the predictive text is nice as well as having the option to click to the next page without having to scroll all the way to the bottom.

    Now that you mention it, that's probably why the layout irritates me so much. The layout was original, I'll grant that. But when you make results look like advertisements, people will tend to treat them like advertisements--i.e., they'll ignore them. KF

  11. Ah, sorry for the other folks who didn't make it to the semis...

    Judging anything below the finals tends to be easier. I remember doing that blitz of judging for the finals back when zircon, SGX, and pixietricks were all up there, it was difficult on account of a lot of the tracks stacked up next to one another being both good.

    I'm coming in a bit late, but I'll be sure to try and vote for the semis. KF

  12. Wow, I really should get in the habit of posting more often here.

    I'm going to be at Otakon. Now that I know when the panel will be (thanks for not another Friday morning panel...), I can definitely make it.

    Hope to see y'all there.

    Also (I offered this same advice last year), if you're going to be driving in each day like me, the best parking I've found is a garage about two blocks north of the BCC. If you're coming in from I-395, continue up S Howard for two blocks and turn right on W Baltimore. Garage is immediately on your left.

    I'll be driving up from Arlington. It's close so there's likely not many folks needing to carpool from there, but I'm up for giving lifts if anyone on the way needs it. KF

  13. You think that's old' date=' when my family bought an NES, we had to buy one of those rabbit ear adapters for the RF switch which was fastened to the TV set via two screws. It's still hooked up that way in my family's basement.[/quote']

    The UHF connectors. I remember those. We actually had several UHF-to-Coax converters in our house that I'd use for that purpose. The RF switch / coax cable isn't that old by comparison.

    What's making me old is thinking that, just maybe 10 years from now, almost no one will still remember what UHF was. KF

  14. If you're a listener, by judging (or simply browsing the top 10 of your favorite genres) you'll almost assuredly discover some great new music. Plus, you'll help promote the best indie artists who might not otherwise get attention.


    There are hundreds of songs per category so it's significantly harder to get to a specific person.

    On that note, I'm really impressed by how they set up the judging process. It really is difficult for any artist to move up by filling the judging pool with their friends/fans/supporters, since you'd have to go through dozens or hundreds of other songs in the process. (I might've actually done just as much good for, say, Sean Cox or a few of the other artists that really stood out, as for the three OCRers who were up.)

    It tends to be a good thing across the board. Since, well, if OCRers could win that way, then so could anyone else. It sort of makes that victory all the more worth it. KF

  15. Honestly, I'm not a fan of this mix. But there are some really good points.

    For starters, zyko is really good at what he does. So, his rapping in and of itself is great; he's got a good flow and rhythm to the words. Also, I do like it whenever there's another vocal mix added, rap included.

    But, the lyrics themselves seemed pretty empty. It's like a song with a good melody but meaningless lyrics; this has a good rhythm and sound to it, but no meaning. It may as well be gibberish. (The bad words don't really affect me; I mean I still really liked Asterix - Niggaz 4 Life, though for different reasons).

    I'm not a big fan of the source tune, but I won't hold that against this mix. I mean, other than the one point above, it's all right. But when it comes to rap, especially, I like the lyrics to have more to them. KF

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