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Posts posted by Kizyr

  1. There's always NEXT YEAR year year...

    Seriously though, you caught the best concert night for sure.

    Room is good. It helps to be right there and not have to drive in however far every day. MAG rate isn't too bad either.

    I live only 15 minutes away from National Harbor, and I seriously think we'll go for a room next year. For the last four years I've commuted each day to MAG, and I think I'm at a tipping point where there're enough reasons to justify the cost of a room (the things we had to miss after 1am, not having a place to crash or stash stuff in the middle of the day, being right there for anything completely unplanned, etc.). KF

  2. BTW, for folks who aren't so good at assessing time... My personal recommendation is that if you have to be anywhere (airport, bus station, etc.) earlier than 5:00pm, then it might be better to pass (it'd take about 30-45min to get from here to IAD or BWI, 30min to get to Union Station, or 15-20min to get to DCA by car).

    Lastly, the route I recommend taking is this:


    (The exit you need to take off of I-395 is Exit 6 and keep left -- I dunno why Google doesn't show that exit number. You could cut through Alexandria but all the traffic lights add like 10 minutes to your trip.)

    Ok, see all you folks tomorrow! KF

  3. Ok, looks like we already have quite a turnout as it is! I have a few updates here:

    • First, to clarify, we'll be meeting at the lobby near the front desk (between the desks and that bar/lounge area with the piano).
    • Second, it usually takes 30-45 minutes before everyone gets seated (especially with our group size). So if you have a bus or something to catch then factor that in.
    • Third, since we'll need to split up across 3-5 tables, it's a good idea to think about (a) who you can ride with, and (B) who you can sit with (groups of 8-10 work out the best), beforehand, if you can. We got time to work that out in the lobby, but anything to speed it along will help.

    See y'all at MAG! KF

  4. (First off, I figured this was more under "meetups" than MAGFest, hence having a separate thread. My apologies if this needs to be merged onto the main MAG11 thread.)

    So, an OCR Post-MAGFest Tradition is getting together for brunch the Sunday after MAGFest, at the Busboys & Poets in Arlington (link). Normally we organize this all last-minute, but this year maybe we can get a head start.

    Based on past experience, I say we gather at the Gaylord Hotel's Lobby on Sunday (1/6/13) by 1:00pm, and be at Busboys by 2:00pm (seriously, it usually takes about 30-45 minutes at least for everyone to gather and load into their cars). Post in this thread if you can make it -- that'll help to get a rough estimate, but in the end it's probably going to just depend on how many people are there in the lobby at this time when we head on out.

    Ok, so other key details:

    • They do not do reservations (and renting out for an event is too expensive). I'll call an hour or two ahead of time to let them know.
    • Since there aren't any reservations, we normally split up between 3-4 tables (when there are 25-30 of us it's impossible to get a table for everyone together).
    • You can park at the nearby garage near the supermarket, on the 2nd-4th floors. They say 1 hour or 2 hour parking, but I've never seen them tow unless you take one of the reserved-for-employees spots or stay there for the whole day.
    • I'm also creating a Facebook event for this -- so feel free to pass the information around from here or there.

  5. Hey everyone! So with MAGFest XI just a few days away, I decided to rewrite and update the first post. Some info is similar, but since (a) there are some new places open, and (B) we've had a bit more experience at the National Harbor, it may be worth checking out. Please comment on anything I may have missed, and feel free to pass the information around.

    I tried to note every place in the area, including everything noted on MAGFest's schedule.

    Just 3 more days! KF

  6. Hey, I haven't been down to National Harbor in a little while (since last MAGFest), but I'll see if me and Jenner can't chill out there for a little while between now and then to see what's changed. Maybe I'll write a new / update that old guide to the National Harbor area.

    And we should try to get a photo contest going with that stupid "The Uprising" statue on the waterfront. KF

  7. Oh man... Thank you so much you guys. You have no idea how much it meant that y'all were able to make it. (And to everyone else: thanks for the warm wishes!)

    It was a traditional Bengali and Muslim wedding, but we had a ton of our own influence: the Lunar-inspired decorations, the entire soundtrack at the reception, visibly having fun at our own wedding {^^}.

    Amy: that extra verse in The Real Thing was one of the most awesome wedding gifts we could've ever received. We kind of got a little giddy in the moment and didn't even hear clearly the last couple lines -- what all did you say exactly?

    Anyway, me and Jenner are in Japan right now for our honeymoon. We'll be here for the next three weeks, but I'll check in now and again -- and try to have some pictures when we get back. Later and thanks again! KF

  8. BTW if anyone's curious, here's the final set of songs that Jenner and I used at our wedding reception that are from OCR (there were about 90-100 songs in total, all of them video game music, but I'm only including the OCR ones here):

    Xenogears - When the Smoke Clears

    Bust a Groove - Bust This Groove '81

    Chrono Trigger - Gale of Ages

    Chrono Trigger - Gale of Ages

    Chrono Trigger - Town Life in Piano

    DDRMax - Insomniac Skies

    Donkey Kong Country 2 - A New Place

    Final Fantasy 13 - Blue Skies

    Final Fantasy IV - Theme of Love for Guitar Duet

    Final Fantasy IX - Melodies of Life Arranged

    Final Fantasy V - A Healer's Touch

    Final Fantasy VI - A Day in the Life of a Gambler

    Final Fantasy VI - Canvas of Dreams

    Final Fantasy VII - Daydreaming Again

    Final Fantasy X - How Much Longer

    Final Fantasy XI Online - While San d'Oria Sleeps

    Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past - Sacred Flute

    Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening - Symphonic Ballade

    Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - Hawaii Shoppin

    Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages - Nayru's Love

    Mega Man 9 Back in Blue - Shopping Network

    Secret of Mana - Dragon Song

    Seiken Densetsu 3 - This Heart

    Wild Arms - A Ring and a Promise

    Xenogears - Dale of the Wind

    Xenogears - When the Smoke Clears


  9. So I've made a decision. For the first time in 9 years I won't be going to Otakon. The cost is just getting so high, there're only two things I'd really want to do, and it's during Ramadan so I don't want to deal with the crowds and waiting in lines while fasting.

    However, I will 100% be going to the concert, and I'm totally looking forward to that. We should make a night of it or something: the concert, then dinner at the harbor, etc. Jill, I already posted on the Facebook thing that both me and Jenner are going, so count us in.

    1. If I'm not that into anime or Japanese things in general, what do you suggest I do (either in advance or at Otakon) so that I don't get bored/look like a fool?

    2. Should I stay at a hotel/house in Baltimore or commute back and forth everyday from DC? My budget is really limited after buying the tickets and getting to/from Baltimore.

    1. Find out who else is going and hang out with them. There's stuff to do (video game room, panels, etc.) but it's way more fun with friends. (There's also the alternative I'm opting for, which is not going...)

    2. Depends on how you'd commute. Driving in each day isn't too bad (it's an hour+ trip, and the gas costs way less than a hotel). Mass transit is rough though: it'd take 2-3 hours and you'd have to leave early each day. KF

  10. Glad you guys are enjoying! We'd like to submit a track to OCR from this album like we have for our last couple releases - any thoughts on which would be a good representative?

    Ok, after listening through the album a few times and reflecting on it, I think the best thing to submit would be Can't Stop the Top.

    Here's what I figure... The first two tracks (History Repeating 1-2) and the last two (Want to be the One to Watch You Die and Continue) are awesome, but they work best in the context of the whole album (there's a definite opening/closing feeling to them), so those are out. Also, You've Sparked a War is one of my favorites, but I remember you guys performing this live and it was really, really amazing -- if, y'know, you ever want to do like a Live album then you might want to save this track for it (I Want to be The One to Watch You Die also would be great for that)... Lastly,

    So yeah, given that, Gamma Unchained, Walk Away from Light, and Can't Stop the Top stand out -- and I figure Can't Stop the Top works best as a perfect 'teaser' track. It's different enough from the other two you submitted, and it gives a good sense for what you have in store for the rest of the album. Also the speaking/sfx bits at the beginning of Gamma Unchained and Walk Away are great for an album but they might sound funny for a solo bit. KF

    PS: The album rocks. I can't wait for the sequel {^^}.

  11. DragonAvenger is the reason that I ended up getting to know so many of you guys in person.

    I recognized her in the OCR panel line at Otakon about four years ago (cosplaying as Lucca). We got to talking, she mentioned a thing going on at Stevo's, then I ended up meeting like a dozen of y'all in the course of, like, a day.

    ...sort of makes you wonder what it'd be like if she weren't around (or as friendly). That'd kind of suck. KF

  12. For the first year I'm seriously debating whether or not to go (note: I've been to Otakon every year since 2003). The cost is just getting so high and with only, say, two things that I'm even interested in (the OCR panel and Artists' Alley -- would've been 3 if OCAD were there) it's hard to justify it.

    I may still go, but if I decide -not- to go to Otakon itself then I'll definitely go to the concert. KF

  13. Google has another music-related playable doodle today (er, tomorrow?) for Robert Moog -- a mockup of his synthesizer that's even better than the Les Paul guitar a while back (playable/recordable/alterable).

    Right now it's on the Google JP site at <http://www.google.co.jp/> -- though by tomorrow it'll probably be at the regular <http://www.google.com> as well.

    ...now after playing around with it I totally forgot what I came to Google JP to search for in the first place...

    So go ahead and post your recordings! KF

  14. But that doesn't mean the rest of us DC/VA/MD folks who aren't going to PAX can't hit this up. So who wants to go? There's two showings that day, one at 2pm and another at 8pm. Those with long drives might prefer the 2pm one since they don't have to head home at midnight, but either works for me. Anyone up for this?

    Links: homepage, tourdates, purchase tickets for 2pm showing or 8pm showing

    Is there any progress / people signing up for this yet?

    I'm up for the 2PM showing right now -- I'll see if I can get one or two others to join me. But yeah, the 2PM one will work out better since I think I have something else going on that evening.

    Do we need to buy tickets altogether (i.e., is there an assigned seating arrangement)? How soon do we need to purchase? KF

  15. I caught this at the sneak-preview listening party on IRC on Sunday. It's really gorgeous -- I mean the only 'complaint' is that the 15 tracks there leave you wanting more.

    All the tracks are great. I'm a sucker for good vocal tracks (of which there are several). But two of the instrumental ones that are -really- spectacular are Somber Memory (#2 from SoE, by audio fidelity & Jenny Fae Davis) and Village of Decay for String Quartet (#11 from Ghouls'n'Ghosts, by Vampire Hunter Dan).

    Great album {^^}. KF

  16. I'm worried that this is a little too much like a 'favorite mixes' thread, but I'll let someone with authority make that determination.

    For now, here's my list:

    Final Fantasy 9 - Rose of May (katethegreat)

    Donkey Kong Country - Permutations (Nicole Adams, Injury)

    Final Fantasy 10 - Journey's End (Graylightning, sephire, pixietricks)

    Wild Arms - A Ring and a Promise (blind, Ashleigh James)

    Super Metroid - Kindred (zircietricks)

    It might be kind of misleading since most of the time I have it on random play all. And some of the songs that I loop over and over are specific kinds that I can work / program / write / read to (Zircon's hour-long Water World mix he posted like 2 years ago is one of the higher played ones, since it fits into that).

    Though it's probably apparent that I really like vocal mixes. KF

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