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Posts posted by Kizyr

  1. Funny enough, I agree a lot with TheCoop, Monobrow, and Abadoss.

    The somewhat prickish question that comes to my mind is, "Who's fault is that?"

    Even back before I officially joined OCR, browsing the forums told me that each one was different. Gen Dis was about games, movies, music, etc. and was more moderated, UnMod was semi-controlled (fun) chaotic nonsense, the WIP forum was generally helpful advice on making remixes... and this was seen by me back in 2002 when I was a complete forum newbie.

    Well, I did describe having lurked on here for maybe a year or two before starting to post regularly, to figure out how the forums were situated. Naturally, no one forced me to read PPR/UnMod (can't remember if it was gone yet when I came back), so it wasn't a real chore to simply (largely) ignore the thread since any goings-on there were disconnected from the rest of the board.

    The real distinction is how much the Community/Gen Discussion/PPR (or UnMod) boards are connected or independent of the others. Once I figured that, it felt more comfortable posting here.

    Honestly I never liked this kind of attitude. Gen Disc was the place for you to go if you didn't like the other two forums, but if you didn't get the feel for that place either, you still would have been SOL IMO, because forums are posted in by people who have the same tendencies just about everywhere you go. When you are new, you need to get a feel for the new place you are going to, regardless of where... Just like in real life. UnMod was one of those rare places where you really could say what you wanted no matter what, unless it was illegal... And I appreciated that, because it was interesting, and I learned to lighten up a lot because of it, and strangely enough, I learned to be more accepting of people different than myself.

    That's fine, but I didn't miss out on anything by disregarding some of the forums. UnMod wasn't my style any more than a forum about baseball would've been my style.

    It is still true that once I started ignoring some of the forums, I felt more comfortable posting in the remainder of them. But sorry that I worded that flippantly; I didn't mean to imply that others should be the same as me. KF

  2. How could a single forum keep people from joining a site (be it PPR, UnMod, whatever)? It's not like it sought you out in the middle of the night and kidnapped you, only to tape your eyes open and force you into watching loops of the various "shock" images or abortion arguments.

    Unless you're involved in the site already, you won't be aware of the level of distinction between the different forums in one community. (At LunarNET's forums, for instance, the distinction between each forum is rather arbitrary and just helps organization. At other places, you get chewed out for posting in the wrong forum.) So, if your initial experience is coming across a few bigoted threads in one section (Unmod, PPR, 'anything-goes', /b/, 'free as in destitute', etc.), you won't have any indication whether or not it's the norm for the site or its forums as a whole.

    It's not that it prevents you from posting, but it removes any incentive or desire to start posting when that's the impression you get. KF

  3. I was wondering if I could hitch a ride back to Arlington to those in the city? If my sister comes down I was thinking of car pooling the two of us to BBQ so she can just leave from there to go back to Delaware. If Bahamut or anyone else can possibly do that, I'd appreciate it.

    From Stevo's place to Arlington? I can give you a ride, no problem. KF

  4. on this topic: it took me a long time to realize it, but deleting unmod was just about the best thing to ever happen to this community

    fact is it was scaring people away from ocremix and that's never a good thing

    Unmod and some of the threads in PPR are what kept me from posting for several years. Mostly ignoring PPR has really helped {^^}. KF

  5. usb cord or whatever cord that came with your phone that allows it access to your PC..?

    Nothing came with my phone for that. It's a Samsung and doesn't have a standard mini-USB port (whatever it's called) so I can't use the same cords I already have (like the one for my phone or PSP) and need to buy another one. I'm just reluctant to go out of my way to buy one in case it still doesn't work. KF

  6. Oh yeah, Vinnie and I can bring some veggie burgers and probably some kind of pie/cookies/dessrty sweet thing. Stevo, maybe you can recommend a grocery store nearby from which to pick these things up because I don't fancy bringing them to Otakon on Friday and figuring out what to do with veggie burgers for 2 days until the BBQ x_x

    We'll be driving up to Baltimore each day (and presumably to Stevo's on Sunday). So an alternative would be for you guys to leave some stuff with us and we can carry it all up on Sunday.

    ...oh snap, and I still need to return y'all's pastry brush. Got packed in with my stuff by mistake when we left DJP's. KF

  7. I think I am getting close to the end of the story, and it's been really fun. I've been doing a few treasure hunt maps as well, and they seem to be super easy monsters in the caves and then a pretty challenging boss. I am having a great time dressing up my dudes too. :3

    Dressing up should not be this much fun in a game. I'm paying more attention to style and fashion when picking out new armor than I am to stat bonuses. KF

  8. I have something like 15 or so quick clips that I'd like to use for a ringtone (Dignity Ark is one that I think will work exceptionally well). I used Audacity to cut them down to size, compress them/change the format, and all.

    ...now I can't figure out how to get the damn things onto my phone. I've emailed it to myself and the message 'service' removes the attachment. Recording it by holding the phone up to the speaker results in atrocious quality. I'm not sure what to try next. KF

  9. I just realized... they made a bunch of name changes from Japanese to English, so I'm not going to understand a lot of the references folks make to character and place names. (Changes were necessary, though... The original names are a mouthful.)

    I decided to restart my game since the last time I played was like 11 months ago, and I'd forgotten nearly everything I did. I'll try to get some levels in before Otakon so I can actually try out this tag mode business. KF

  10. Stevo! You can add both me and Jenner to the list.

    Hm, as for stuff to bring... We can bring corn-on-the-cob to grill again (it worked out pretty well last time at DJP's). If folks want some more variety, we can pick up some ice cream / frozen yogurt on the way, too. KF

  11. Seriously, they could have the game just be Dragon Quest dress-up and i'd still play the shit out of this game. Should I be embarrassed? >___>

    ............that's my favorite aspect of the game, too...

    Now I'm gonna have to set aside some other stuff (except FF9) so that I can get in some game-time on DQ9 before Otakon, to get the most out of tag-time. KF

  12. I picked up the Japanese version last year. I only played the first 10 hours or so of it before some other games got in the way.

    It's actually my first DQ title. I really enjoyed it, though it seems a bit sidequest-heavy. Or maybe that's just because I'm tempted to do all the mini-sidequests. ...which might explain why I didn't get so far in the first 10 hours.

    Anyway, the gameplay itself is really fun. Battles slide by so that they're neither cumbersome nor mundane. The artwork is fun and colorful. The story (at least the beginning) likewise pulled me in. Overall, definitely a good game and worth picking up.

    ...any idea if tag mode will work between US and Japanese versions? I was never able to try it with anyone. KF

  13. This game kickstarted my love of RPGs, so I have some fondness for this soundtrack. Danek Palace and the ending credits roll are definitely great enough to warrant some remix attention. KF

  14. The first one I was drawn to is a bit of a tough one. There were many games whose soundtracks I really liked from the beginning, going back to NES (Zelda, Mega Man 2, Metal Storm), SNES (Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country), Genesis (all Sonic games), etc.

    The first time I really started focusing on game soundtracks was probably when I first started focusing on RPGs. Vay was my first major RPG, and once I heard the soundtrack to Lunar: The Silver Star I was hooked. So... probably Lunar deserves the honor there. KF

  15. The weather forecast is not looking good for Sunday - 95 degrees. BUH. x_x

    Andy and I may not be coming after all, I'm afraid. It's a long drive for us from Philly, and we just got back from a 10 day vacation - so it doesn't seem like the best time when we take the miserable heat into account.

    Well... if we're around the shade / near the water, it'll be a fair bit cooler. Plus we'll be heading over to DJP's place in the afternoon/evening, I think. But yeah, it's cool if it's a bit too much of a hike right now. (The last few days have actually had amazingly good weather too.)

    By the way, if anyone else wants me to grab anything just let me know. KF

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