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  • Real Name
    Evan F. Casey
  • Location
    New Jersey

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I'm gonna have to agree with Razumen and watkinzez here, I didn't play any Solid games until Twin Snakes, and when I went back to compare it to its PSOne predecessor, the remake seemed like the much tighter experience. Sure the jumpkicking, rocket surfing cutscenes are a bit over the top, but they're fun and firmly establish Snake as an uberbadass. Plus TTS felt like it had much better controls, and first person aiming is a complete necessity IMO, as I recall that wasn't in the original MGS
  2. Hey, long time fan/lurker first time poster. Wanted more than one person in my Diamond Friend Roster without seeming creepy Mario Kart DS FC - 154697-183332 Pokemon Diamond - Name: Evan FC: 0473 4240 2558
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