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Red Hammer 4

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Posts posted by Red Hammer 4

  1. Far as games go, they are not nearly as damaging to the Psyche as movies are. I can't remember which movie it was, maybe The Expandables or one of those new action movies with Sylvester Stallone, or whatever.. point is there was a scene where this guy is anally raping a girl for like 10 minutes saying "YOUR ASS IS SO TIGHT" over and over again and her clearly traumatized trying to get away.

    I don't care how explicit you get in those niche games like that Jap rape simulator, as that is targeted for jacked up people in the first place. Mainstream movies that have screwed up scenes like that (which is almost every movie nowadays, full of anal metaphors and fecophilia hints) it will do more damage to your Psyche than Hot Coffee and Mass Effect ever will.

    Not to mention the gore and violence in some games. That one game that's coming out where you play as Raiden from Metal Gear looks plain messy...

  2. I think it was called Alien Soldier, you're like some white bird-looking dude blasting all these aliens, on Sega Genesis I think. I didn't actually play it on the Genesis, a family member just had it on his computer and introduced me to emulated stuff.

    So I'm sitting there playing the whole night, 13 years old, listening to a loop of Baby Got Back for 8 hours till I beat the game. It was awesome.

    That, and playing Battlefield 2: Modern Combat + Ace Combat 4 with my nephews for the week I was at their house. Never knew a game could have such epic music like Ace Combat, sure do love that stuff I do. Favorite track of all time has got to be Liberation of Gracemeria from Ace Combat 6.

    Kinda went off on a tangent there..

  3. Sorry if anyone already said this, but this looks remarkably like a 3D starcraft mod from a while back. Well not entirely, but this does look pretty cool. Especially that thing that creates blackholes and is like a floating fortress.

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