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Posts posted by Draconiator

  1. I was at least 95% finished, but my damn file got corrupted. The vst instruments I used started sounding weird and distorted, and I couldn't fix it.

    Luckily, I backed it up online, but the backup was is much older, it almost like restarting from the 50% mark. :banghead:

    You sure you didn't hit the pitch slider by mistake? I've done that before, and thought nearly the same thing. It's to the right of the menu bar.

  2. I was trying to find that Sound Stretch thread, and I had downloaded the program earlier, so I figured I'd try and experiment with it a bit.

    First thing I did was make a crappy little 18-second jingle-thing: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/rwtc

    Then I loaded it into the Sound Stretch and stretched that out to 8:04, and...wow.

    I did a little post processing in FL though.

    Take a listen: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/tzdh

    I love this program now, heh

  3. Whew. Finally finished!

    Special thanks to Zircon for making an absolutely gorgeous song in the first place, and all those remixers on YouTube for inspiring me to make one of my own. Also learned a lot of stuff while making it.

    Obtuse and Usa offered up a lot of help as well, so I thank them deeply too.

    Er, should I call the original "mainstream"? Because if I can, this'll be my first mainstream remix. :)

  4. I've listened to a bunch of other remixes so get a good idea of what I wanted to do, and I ended up going a mellow route. I love the original so much...

    Here ya go: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/sjxw

    (Link is not stable since I am constantly updating it; if link is not here check back in a few minutes)


    Still trying to figure out what to do, but I think I know where to take it now. You can hear the start of that. Bass is WAAAY over there --> at the end because when I'm working on a segment, if something conflicts with what I'm doing, I just push it off to the side until I'm finished with it. In this case, I'm working on the arp.

    Made some artwork, which reveals the official name of the mix:


  5. I've got a compliment and a question.

    First off, even though mixes aren't posted on the judges forum, I have to give props to the judges. The verdicts I've read in there seem to be completely fair, and even though some judges may like the submissions and keep them to listen to, if they don't reach the benchmark set by the site, they don't get on. This tells me that as far as I can see, the judges are not biased at all, so great job you guys! :-o

    Now my question. There's like a bazillion genres out there, but is the bar a tiny bit higher or lower depending on which genre is being judged, or is the bar equal across all genres?

    I kinda made a John Cage inspired joke mix and submitted a few years ago...

  6. I was reading the write-up (BIG props to DJP on not having any massive sugar intake before writing :) ), and I found a dead link in the sentence "I've been waiting to post this for a whole week now, as we really wanted visitors to check out the corresponding *album release* as well and maximize its visiblity, but I've had the first verse of the lyrics stuck in my head the whole time."

    The *'s denote the link in question. It's dead because the link looks like this:



  7. Sounds like the same path I took with video production.. started with good ol' Windows Movie Maker. Moved up to Vegas a couple years later.. and now for the past year I've been teaching myself the Adobe CS4/CS5 suite and Final Cut Pro. It's a building process but things will ALWAYS click if you put the effort in. Your videos and songs can vary from good to mind-blowing depending on your natural talent, but you won't make BAD stuff if you try hard enough :)

    Anyway, one day I decided I wanted to at least be knowledgeable enough with audio to make music as a hobby and be familiar with the audio equipment in a production setting, so here I am... n00bing it up for now ;)

    I'm (for now) making music as a hobby as well, but I'm aiming for a career in music. Lofty goal I know, but I'm making it a point to learn all I can about all kinds of techniques, and about FL as well. It's what I use, and I need to learn all I can about it. I'll get there eventually if I keep at it.

    Had a headstart too - I have been dabbling around with MIDI files since 1998, and since then to mid 2004, I've done over 110 compositions in MIDI format. Started using FL last year after I got pissed off at my software I was using (Don't ask, it's embarassing lol), so I know what I'm doing musically, heh

  8. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/bplk - Got a LOT of work yet to do. I'm pretty happy with the build-up, so unless I get some more ideas for it it's finished. However, I have JUST started the melody after that, and will get working on it again tomorrow.

    Learning lots of techniques from listening to other trance tunes on YT, such as what I call a "tone sweeper" which you hear in the buildup.

    Enjoy, so far, heh

  9. FOR FIRST-TIME FLYERS --Ashamee's Guide to Flying :)

    I've been on planes plenty this year. Last Thursday was my seventh flight in just 2010 alone. Likely to be eight if I end up visiting Neko in Mississippi again. Anyway, for starters, before you leave, read your airline's policies on what you can take with you. If you're putting stuff in your carry-on, make sure any liquids are in approved containers. You can put entire containers of toiletries (like shampoo) in your checked luggage. Since that goes under the plane, they know you won't be able to get to it anyway. I usually do this, since it's more of a hassle otherwise.

    As far as what you can bring, check to see what's on the "approved electronics" list. Netbooks are fine. I usually take mine with me, it's just that my battery will last six hours, on average. Also, some planes have wi-fi. Sometimes it's free, but sometimes they charge you extra for it. Most planes have NO wi-fi, so don't count on that. You can usually have one carry-on and one personal item with you (like a laptop bag or purse). Also, be sure that if you have a phone, once you're on the plane, to not use it with the antenna enabled. They can and will bust you if you're texting, making calls, anything like that. I usually turn my antenna off on my phone and use it to listen to music on the plane.

    Also, I recommend chewing gum during landing, mostly. It's sometimes applicable during takeoff. The change in air pressure will make your ears HURT if you can't pop them on your own, and chewing gum helps. It's no fun to have them not pop, as your eardrums can rupture (totally happened to my mom back in 1986 after a plane ride), but that's not entirely common. I always chew gum right before landing, because my right ear always acts up and feels like it's going to fall off my head.

    Just follow the rules and don't act like a fool and you'll be fine. Plane rides are really fun. (Obviously :) ) Anyone else who has flown, feel free to put in your two cents.

    ALWAYS FLY ON BIG JETS. That is all. Small regional carriers use small planes (some of you might get a small plane for a short hop if you're changing planes less than 500 miles or so from your destination) which are sometimes cramped.

    One small plane we flew on (SAAB 340; not this one):


    was alright, except it had a godawful small lavatory that you will have problems in if you need to use the facilities on the flight. As I understand it, some 340s don't have one and use the space as extra luggage storage, though.

    Another nightmare was the godawful 1900s:


    It's a very good thing we only used this thing for a short hop, otherwise I might have gone insane. I was small when we flew on one, but you will have to crawl into it. BE SURE you get the 1900D, as it has a higher cabin.

    I haven't flown in a while, but I've been on these two and remember the drawbacks of both.

  10. My debut on ANY big CD, as a bonus track. This is the full completed version that will be on the CD...but as not to reveal TOO much...

    ...I intentionally made this preview file to make it sound extremely low quality. Not to worry I still have the high-quality, 160kbs song, but Emunator will have a WAV soon from me. So if you like this lo-fi version, the Hi-Fi version that will be a bonus track will be a whole lot better, I guarantee it.

    So without further blabbing, I present "Rocket Rave", a Rocket Run remix: http://www.box.net/shared/2x93f04vqn

    Like what you heard? Get the CD!

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