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Everything posted by Zorpox_the_Conqueror

  1. Tanjoubi Omedetou! I wish I could type real japanese on here. Anyway, Happy Birthday! Didn't have a connection where I was yesterday or I would have posted this sooner. Btw, I loved your CD. I'm so glad I decided to buy it last weekend.
  2. btw, what happened to the first group pic in front of the fountain? Maybe I missed it.
  3. I'll comment. Four way chess took way too long. And I was the first to die. It was still fun. I can't believe I lasted as long as I did. I love the "dead worm in a puddle" song. That poor worm. He's only got this sad song to remember him by. The Bubble Tea place was cool. Me and Kutrayn are going to have to go back there and take my sister. She loves tea.
  4. Hi, I'm a noob joining at almost 3 in the morning. I don't know much about anything when it comes to these kind of websites but I love anime and video games and my boyfriend has been bugging me to join so that we can have yet another way to communicate. Let the games begin!
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