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What ever happened to Eye Drops? That was probably the best show that was on Tech TV. Come on... Eye Drops.
Wow, I am the ONLY person who LOVES the music, but then again I've played through Mother 3... Really, it was my favorite track in the game, and they did a great job with it I think. Plus they are using Snowman from Mother 1+2, as we know. I wouldn't be surprised to see Pollyanna... But yeah, I like the music, and the stage isn't bad, nothing incredible but still pretty cool to look at out of context.
yeh i mean whats next sonic? OH WAIT. ANY-dang-way. Have we talked about todays update yet? I'm really liking how there are so many co-op modes, because well, sometimes it gets a little draining to be constantly competing against each other, I want to be friendly every so often! I'm hoping that we can do team battles online, but I can team up with someone on the same console, I'd abuse that feature like nobodies business. Now let's all speculate on what the update is gonna be in a couple hours! More game modes? ...Probably...
I believe I know the song you are talking about, I believe it was called "Haunted Hell", by Mustin. I have it on my iPod, but I also don't have any way to connect it/remove music from it (I don't have that connector on me, or even anywhere near me). But, well, hope that helps! Edit: Wow, beaten quite quickly.
Thank you, this is an extremely valid point. I know I was saying I'd stay away from this debate, but I just wanted to support that idea that "it's fine to complain, not everyone is going to like everything, it helps developers, blah blah". But yes, it gets annoying when it's the same person, as Bigfoot said. That said, I'm hoping that there is a way to get 1 vs. 1, 3 players, stock matches, etc. in online. I mean, yeah, you'd think that with all these option we're being given that they'll have something like that? At the very least, I hope to be snagging some friend codes from ye folk so I can play with all you'se. You'se mugs.
Shying away from the whole "blah blah internet" thing... I honestly do not believe that THAT character selection screen is going to be the standard one in Brawl... ...I mean, there is no Kirby. Or several other characters, but Kirby seems more like a "starter" than that. Someone probably noticed this already, right? That whole "replacing a person with a computer" thing, is kinda... Weird. I guess if you wanted to know if someone was replaced or not, you could just start ducking repeatedly and hope they catch on? Oh, and most characters will be unlocked in the Adventure mode? In one playthrough probably, from the sound of it? Well, I hope that there are still a few that I can unlock by beating classic mode really fast, target mode, homerun contest... Etc... Those were fun.
Man, I remember back when the Dojo started it's weekday updates, people were complaining "Please! Give us just ONE more newcomer! Then I won't complain about the updates anymore!". I suppose I don't need to elaborate? Not really annoyed or whatever by this, it's human nature to "bargain", I suppose, but I guess since we've been "spoiled" so much these updates are letting people down after we've been given so much? Yes I end most sentences with a question mark? Anyway, cool to see that Mew/Celebi give us something more than me pushing start and doing my best to get Mew in focus and going "Mew!".
Is it just me or are some of the captions/pictures a bit sarcastic? I mean... "Real men use items!" "Nice try. ROFL" "Yep. Simple. Simple is best." ...Well, that "real men use items!" one definitely seems like almost a jab at the competitive playing folk? Or am I reading too much into it? EDIT: Or I could be beaten to that...
I know it's probably been pointed out before, but I'm glad they seem to be making the "heavy" fighters a lot more viable now. I've heard good things about Bowser in Brawl from the demo, so that'll be interesting to see. I also noticed that we've been given three new "heavy" fighters, or at least it looks that way. Ike I hear is very slow and strong, so I guess he counts as a heavy (plus he also has that "can't be stunned during some attacks" thing). King Dedede, who looks like he has a multi-jump ability like Kirby, but is also a heavy... Sounds kinda dangerous, a heavy that can recover? Then it looks like Pokemon Trainer's Charizard is a "heavy" character, or he could just be big and average, but I'm gonna lean towards heavy. It also looks like he'll be able to mulit-jump, or at the very least we know he can glide... At any rate, glad to see that the game is trying to make the other characters able to compete better with the "fast" characters.
friendlyHunter, yeah a lot of parts of Twilight Princess were kinda shifty in that sense. Definitely agree with you. Oh, one thing I noticed in the game though was the whole "jumping to Midna" business, I believe (it's hard to see) but she grabs Link with that hair-hand of hers and drags him over to the spot she's hovering. Not sure about that, or why she can do this while in her "shadowy" form or whatever, but I think I remember seeing that happen. But it definitely would have been nice if she would've helped out a bit more! On that note, I can see Midna making into the game in some way, be it playable/assist/trophy/or at the VERY very least a sticker. I mean, they are going with the whole "Twilight Princess" vibe for the Zelda characters.
Wait, what? We get Dedede's moves before Lucas'? When are they going to settle the whole "is he a Ness clone?" debate? That being said, Dedede looks awesome! Glad to see one of my favorite Nintendo characters is in Brawl. With his Up+B, it says you can cancel it in mid-air, perhaps other characters like Bowser will be able to do something like this?
Hey, I played Kirby Super Star! Just not the Gourmet Race a whole ton to recognize it... And yes, I knew it was from Kirby, not original. And... I like game music... Man, hopefully no one has it out for me now? (Some emoticon)
Oh man, replays are gonna be awesome! I too have a time when that would have come in real handy... On the fountain of dreams level, where it plays that kinda epic orchestral music (you know), me and my friend both played as Yoshi. It was so weird, 'cause we each just quietly decided to not attack right off the bat but to just crouch and stare at eachother. And then right as the music picked up we charged at eachother, we even managed to hit eachother on almost every note! If that wasn't enough, one of us also managed to grab a mushroom a couple times when the music went low in pitch. I would've loved that replay... It was just so, weird.
It'll be neat to see the game without wavedashing! Just think, people who are THAT good at melee, but DON'T wavedash? It'll look a lot cooler! As for this weeks updates: C'mon, New Pork City is like the best stage so far (okay, well, that is a matter of opinion). I was expecting something a bit better this week, at least something like a moveset for Lucas or Captain Falcon/Ness, but I guess we'll have to wait until next week? I'm sure they'll do SOMETHING neat next week...
Got one for ya, from here no less! "Robocop CPC Zone" by Malc Jennings. It just sounds so happy... And it's a Robocop remix, something about those two doesn't mix?