Hi guys,
I am opening up a site selling amient and atmospheric music. I started it originally to market my own compositions, but it would be greaat to get some other musicians on board.
I'm looking for some people who have recorded their own original songs that would be interested in selling them on the site. Obviously you'll get a cut from the sales, I can't say exactly how much at this point, it all depends on the price you are happy to sell your mp3's for.
If it helps I have been in talk with Michiel Van Den Bos, and he is interested in contributing some material to the site!
I'm not giving out the address publicly yet as it's not quite finished, but if you think you'd like to be a part of it either reply to this topic or PM me and I'll send you a link and we can discuss details.
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you and your tunes!