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  1. Really, no one else agrees?
  2. I listened to the whole thing, it's pretty good. I think I liked "To Infinity" best.
  3. *gasp* Pirates mixage! Yay!
  4. Aquarius techno plz! I know goat has a rock version and that's great and all but not what I'm looking for. This is one of the best CV tracks ever, I can't believe there's no Aquarius on OCRemix. Thx in advance
  5. Hey, there's some funny SW Mp3s at the middle. edit: woops forgot the link. http://theforce.net/humor/music/
  6. That star wars mix is hilarity. And the trumpet one? Tone deaf much?
  7. I'm itching for some Star Wars and Pirates Mixage, but I can't find any! Much sadness. Anyone know if such a site exists?
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