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Everything posted by dj_ultima

  1. The piece as a whole could definitely use some variety, but this is fair a base. The bending/falls on the ends of notes in the melody are really repetitive and I'm not sure if they achieve the feeling that you're going for. You said you wanted vertigo, right? This remix might (around the one minute mark) might offer some inspiration. It has the trippy, not-quite-in-your-right-mind feeling to it that I think you might be trying to get across. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00971/ Aside from that, you said that this was only ten percent complete, so I won't dive too deeply into nitpicking, but as a overarching suggestion, don't be afraid to deviate from the melody more. You have a good start so far, though, and I hope that helped a little. - Jen
  2. I'll have to add another recommendation the Silent Hill games, with the second and third doing a particularly good job of conveying the mood. For another suggestion, I think the first Devil May Cry had an interesting ambient soundtrack, which transitioned into the harder fighting tracks nicely. The later games did it fairly well, too, but in the first game there was still the idea of "survival horror," whereas I feel the following games had moved solely into "action". Still great soundtracks all around, but the first one is a bit different from the others. - Jen
  3. Sorry for such a late reply, folks. To add on to this, there's always the option of going the route of Kingdom Hearts' "Hikari" --> "Simple and Clean," where you completely rewrite the song (assuming the Japanese translations I have seen are correct, of course). It'd be a lot better to avoid that, I think, as it completely kills the beauty of the song to remove its real meaning, even if the new lyrics sound good. I'll take a look at the translation Senshi provided more in depth later; maybe I can rework the lyrics myself somehow. I dunno, though. While writing is definitely my strong suit... lyric-writing... maybe not so much. If I come up with anything decent, I'll post it, but feel free to throw out any suggestions, of course. Thanks for the replies, folks. - Jen
  4. First time poster, long time listener. Anyway, I'm curious if anyone has considered doing an English vocal remix of "Suteki da ne." from Final Fantasy X. If you're familiar with the Platinum Edition English version of "Somnia Memorias" from the Parasite Eve Remixes OST, that's kind of what I'm getting at. As far as I know, it's never been attempted, either officially or as a fan remix (feel free to correct me on this one if I'm wrong, though). I know that there are some good vocalists and lyricists on this site, and I hope that this may spark the interest of a few of them. Thanks for your time. - Jen
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