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Posts posted by Flexstyle

  1. I concur with OA about the stiff sequencing and the way the stereo field feels strange. I, too, think that the arrangement is really lacking in terms of development. I see where you tried to do some extra to it when the guitar picks up and the instruments are all flowing together, but it's really not there yet.

    This is tricky for me to give feedback on. On the one hand, the idea of making this otherwise-terse and energetic source tune a mournful ballad is a great idea. On the other hand, you'll be hurt in that endeavor unless your instrumentation is much more dynamic and realistic. You can alleviate some of that by changing the string patch to a more synthetic pad sound, but the pan flute is so clearly sampled that it's really not doing the job that needs to be done.

    Like OA said, a B-section would really help this track--maybe take another source tune and use it to give the song some development. You'll also be helped if you can make your instrumentation more believable. I betcha the Workshop forums would be a good place to start if you're looking for more insight. :-)


  2. Wow, I can really hear why this one is getting a split vote. The song itself brings a lot of energy, and the production is ace, which would usually be where I'd get hung up. It's not a terribly satisfying arrangement, though.

    I think Beatdrop has said exactly what I was thinking here:

    I'm of the opinion that the arrangement is not substantial enough to warrant the short length. As has been mentioned, although it doesn't really repeat anything, the fact that it can go 2:05 without doing so and then just abruptly ends tells me that there's way more room for expansion on the original. I'm in complete agreement with OA that this sounds more like a good start than it does a finished track. That said...

    And I'll just go ahead and echo his vote, too.

    NO (please resub, I wanna hear this done justice!)

  3. This has shades of Machinae Supremacy in it to me. Maybe crossed with some In Flames. I dunno. I really love it! I only stopped headbanging to write this post. :nicework::-D

    Also, definitely added you to my subscription list. Between you, LittleV, FamilyJules, and Erock, I feel like I'm well up on my Youtube metal shenanigans. :-D

  4. Definitive? Pssh. You're missing two of your recent Sonic Zone tracks, which is actually the main reason I checked this out - because I don't have those downloaded to my HD yet! Also, not sure if this counts, but your bootleg remix of Banana Revolution from the DKC3 bonus disc isn't on here either ;-)

    I have reasons for that! First, the mix with Jason Covenant for the SZRC is still technically in WIP form, since we're going to be redoing it, and Antifreeze got signed to Gamechops, so I'm not really releasing it anywhere else.

    Banana Revolution is going on my upcoming original album, and it's being renamed to Revolution (feat. Jason Covenant and AkumajoBelmont). I didn't really use enough source in my remix of a ReMix to qualify for OCR posting (I don't think), so I figured I'd give it a second life on my album. :-D

    Oh, and just so you know, there's some neat bonus stuff when you download the album, too.

  5. Just upgraded my monitors from a set of E-Mu PM5s to a set of Yamaha HS8s. SO PSYCHED.

    Also been using a lil' iMac alongside everything to do things like multitracking and take-editing.


    In the pic:

    - Yamaha HS8 monitors

    - 2008 iMac

    - Custom-built PC

    - dbx 215 graphic equalizer (left over from the PM5 setup)

    - dbx 223 crossover (left over from the PM5 setup)

    - Akai MPK49 MIDI keyboard

    - Novation Launchkey 25 MIDI keyboard

    - Novation Launchpad Mini (and I've got another on my shelves right now)

    - Numark MixTrack MIDI DJ controller

    - Asus UX32VD ultrabook w/ Native Instruments Traktor Audio 2

    - Sennheiser E815s mic

    - Yamaha MG102c mixing board

    - Audio-Technica LP60 belt-driven turntable

    Also just upgraded my mic locker, so here's my list of stuff not in the picture:

    - Audio-Technica AT2035 x2

    - AKG C214 x2

    - Studio Projects C4

    - Studio Projects C1 x2 (one first-gen, one latest-gen)

    - Shure SM7B

    - Sterling Audio ST51

    - GLS Audio ES-57

    - aaaand a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 to run everything through. :-D

  6. Aww yeah, schmoove groovy stuff from Mr. X. The themes are blended well, I dig the flow of the song, love the sound choices...honestly, I haven't really got anything to criticize here. I feel like this could almost have been a DP, and really shouldn't have any trouble on the panel.

    please don't make me eat those words, guys

    Anyways. It's fun, it's well-executed, and I've got no problems giving this a...


  7. I dig this a lot. The samples are clearly that--samples--but they're used well enough and with enough dynamics that I'm not worried. The arrangement is gorgeous, and I can clearly hear the source in there, but I love the way you've picked the entire thing up and done a much more energetic, driving sort of orchestral arrangement rather than the much more somber tone of the originals.

    Yeah honestly, I don't have a whole lot to say on this one. There are times when it feels a touch loud, and I'm not sure if that's my headphones or just a rogue frequency somewhere, but it's not enough to bother me right now.


  8. Yeah, I gotta say I'm with Chimp here. Most of the song is definitely reminiscent of the source tune, but I'm not really hearing hardly any of the melodies actually in there. This source tune isn't *just* ambiance, either, so there's no real excuse for that.

    Some of the melodies that are used (that, I think, are new, and not based off of something from the source) are dissonant, as mentioned, too.

    It's a cool track overall, but I'm just not hearing enough source to keep it moving forward. That *should* be a pretty easy fix, though, since you've got the basis of the track already in place. Add some proper source, and send this back--I look forward to hearing it!

    NO (resub!)

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