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Posts posted by Flexstyle

  1. Looks like I'm the only North Carolinian on here so far (and may be the only North Carolinian besides LuketheXJesse, and I don't even think he's active here anymore).

    Luke comes to MAGFest every time, at least, and I'm pretty sure halc moved to NC recently.

  2. Flextone - I would have cut a bit more of the low end out of the vocals. They got a little bit lost in the mix for me. Nice fast grove, though, and lovely guitar work. The vocals near the end had a much better sound!

    I absolutely agree about the vocals. I used my worst microphone to record them, since it was what was in front of me and plugged in at the time, and I really didn't give them the TLC they needed. I even used *shudder* Soundgoodizer as a main compressor on them. Just wanted something recorded very quickly.

    Besides isn't punk rock all about breaking the rules or something? OI, SCREW YOU MATE, I'MMA RECORD WOTEVAH I WANT! :tomatoface:

    Also, seriously, MAD PROPS to my bros OA (lead) and Level99 (all other electric guitar parts). Stevo in particular went way above and beyond, and those rhythm guitars really make the song.

    At this point, I don't care if I lose. This was the song I wanted to make. First time ever doing a song with zero synthetic elements, and I'm really pleased with how it turned out. That pop punk stuff was what I grew up on, so it's immensely satisfying to actually have done a song that sounds like my childhood. :-D

  3. I think any of us left would rather have an actual matchup than the equivalent of a musical a straw man. I know Beth was probably a little irked about her last matchup, I know NutS was with ALL of his matches, and I know I was a bit upset when my opponent dropped the first round, not to mention worried when Flex said he might have to drop. I was also a little iffy at first, but I say more good music hurts no one, especially if it relieves some additional stress from the guy *running* the compo :P

    Aye. And FWIW, if I do manage to squeak past Mr. Hero in this round, then I pledge to BRING IT for the next round. I've leveled up in terms of being able to use old or WIP project files as ready-made soundsets, thanks to this round. I mean, I started the song on Tuesday night, and it was basically complete by Friday night, with most of my work being complete by Thursday morning. BOOYAH!

    Seriously, I learn something new in every competition I participate in. Love this stuff! (also WHERE ARE THE NEW SONGS? I WANNA HEAR THEM BEFORE I HAVE TO SHUT OFF MY SOUND AGAIN FOR THE NEXT HOUR AND A HALF! ALKSDJFSDFAIOWJEROISNDFSLDIGAJSDGSDGA) #impatientcow #mooooo

  4. Got up from my nap about an hour and a half ago, on the final push. Got about 4:15 and still going. Gotta sub an hour earlier this week because I have to be at work at 10:30 (central time), but the fact that I've been working pretty well throughout the week and am still having to cram should say something ;)

    The DAW fuzzing out and glitching means you're doing good, right...?

    That's what was happening to me so...yes?

  5. Your first SSD should always be your boot drive. That'll make a big difference in how your system "feels."

    Here's how I've done my rig:

    - 250 GB SSD for boot drive and general programs.

    - 500 GB SSD for Kontakt and EWQLSO libraries.

    - 2 TB RAID0 array for loops, samples, stems, and Steam games.

    - 500 GB HD for my cloud programs (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)

    My laptop runs with a 256GB SSD and I have most of the samples and libraries on a 1 TB external 7200RPM USB drive. It's definitely slower to load up projects than my desktop, but it's livable, so if you're short on money, just go for an SSD boot and see what you have left for storage stuff. I do recommend going RAID0 as a low-budget option if you can, since you get effectively double the speed of those hard drives.

    Also, BACK UP EVERYTHING RELIGIOUSLY! At this point in time, I have at least three separate backups of everything that's important, so if a drive fails (and if it's a drive in the RAID array, it'll take down the data on the other one as well), I'm not screwed.

  6. Re: your planned specs. That 8-core AMD processor will probably do a good job for you. If you're able to spend more, an Ivy Bridge-series Intel processor will probably be even better, and they tend to be incredibly long-lived, but your current plan should be plenty sufficient.

    Video card-wise, I'd recommend something along the lines of this (AMD R7 260X) or this (nVidia GTX 750 Ti). Both will run you between $150-170, and should last you for several years, as long as you don't expect too much after a few years. As far as AMD vs. nVidia: expect to pay a little more for nVidia cards at the same horsepower level as AMD cards go for. AMD cards are usually faster for the money, but have been historically less stable than an equivalent nVidia card. If your rig is mainly used for audio, I'd recommend you spend a few dollars more and get an nVidia card, as it'll most likely save you some headaches during the setup process.

    RAM-wise, 12 gigs is probably plenty, unless you're going hardcore with some gigantic libraries. Nexus 2 is a solid purchase any day of the week, especially since there are so many expansion packs for it. Komplete 9 is also a solid choice, as well, though, especially since it's going to be much more solid in terms of the diversity of sounds you get. If you asked me, I'd recommend Komplete over Nexus, for what it sounds like you want. Keep in mind that Kontakt (only one of the many included plugins) is nearly worth the asking price alone, let alone the included Guitar Rig, Massive, FM8, and others. Also, Native Instruments (the maker of Komplete) is an incredibly ubiquitous brand, so you'll have no trouble at all finding free sound and preset banks, whereas Nexus banks tend to be a bit more pricey.

    Hope that helps!

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