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Posts posted by ChaosPlayer

  1. Haven't used the forums in ages on here, but time to crack the knuckles!

    For Arc the lad 2 and three, there happens to be great sound tracks that are very catchy and quite classical to their texture in listining. Some very additctive I can't seem to get it out of my head whenever there is an Arc The Lad reference.

    For example, refer to this video sound track:


    I consider this sound track very inspiring.

    There's also this one:


    Now, I know for a fact there are many sound lovers that looking for classical elements such as this that satisfies the thirst of many.

    Of these two sound tracks, I hope there is someone with talent and skill that can par with these two amazing sound tracks.

  2. I would have liked it if there was no lyrics of the "moans".

    Hands down to the song itself of its originality and recreative elements of instruments.

    I liked it, but I didn't download it due to the fact I was annoyed by the "moans", so I passed on wanting this sound track.

    Unless if the remixer has or is willing to send me a copy of it without the lyrics of the "moans", I'd be happy to accept this as a favorable downloadable content -.-.

  3. If you love megaman X's cold stage, then you'll love this. I am beyond speechless of the intro of that nice techno like synthisier, hence the reason of it's title: "Brain cooler".

    The sound track is not so much as being techno, but lightly with all other instruments being sounded that matches its beauty and old school technique of its originality. Without a doubt, this is one of the best examples, works, and originality of Megam man sound tracks.

    Hands down /o,o/ & great job.

  4. This is what my professor from class had to say about this sound track:

    "I like this sound track personally not because it's easy to listen, but it coexists the rock & hip-hop universal bond come together into one amazing sound track and lyrics all together."

    I'd have to say, I'm not into lyrics in OC selections but this is eye candy to any listner on here. Not only I have used this for music class (Humaties college class), but also my professor enjoyed hearing this and my one page essay about this.

    A + must listen. Proud to have found this and given my feed back and used in class for homework:puppyeyes:

  5. :puppyeyes:I'd have to say this is by far the most down to earth OC music I have ever listned. It's so good I cannot even dare to even discuss to anyone here what's it like... Unique style beat and rythem change. :puppyeyes:

    But here I go!!! Uplifting... Energetic... Flat out smooth... The sound track is so good your ear would have an orgy.

    A+ must listen all the way begining to the end!!!!

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